Register today for a Mobile App Acceleration Camps (MAACs) one-day events To maximise you chances of 20k- 50K euros funding


The Mobile App Acceleration Camps (MAACs) are a series of one-day events designed to help you prepare your application for the AppCampus program and launch a successful mobile app or mobile game. This offers you an unmissable opportunity to pitch your ideas to people who understand the market, chat to mentors from the industry who share your passion for apps and gaming, and gain valuable feedback on your project.

In just one day, you’ll learn everything you need to finesse your application and stand a great chance of being accepted for AppCampus!

As an added incentive, every studio that attends will be given a Lumia 820 Dev Kit Windows Phone, courtesy of Nokia – it's the ideal platform to test your app throughout the development process, and is a genuine exclusive. You can't buy these on the high street!

What is the AppCampus program?

AppCampus is an 18 million euro joint investment between Microsoft and Nokia, managed by Aalto University in Finland. It is a mobile application accelerator program that supports innovative mobile applications for the Windows Phone ecosystem. Successful applicants receive an award of 20,000, 50,000 or 70,000 euros to help their studio develop their project plus training, coaching and marketing support, so participating could be very valuable.

For more information visit AppCampus.

Places are limited – apply now!

There are four MAACs; to ensure personal attention and each one is limited to ten games studios, so make sure you apply now (each studio can bring up to 5 members – see the website for more information on the application process). Here are the dates and locations.

· London, 28th November 2013

· Birmingham, 2nd December 2013

· Manchester, 3rd December 2013

· Edinburgh, 5th December 2013

For more information and to register, please visit now!

Any questions?

Just contact Andrew Webber at