SQLXML 3.0 - Build Data-Driven Web Services with Updated XML Support for SQL Server 2000

Tue, 16 Apr 2002 10:00:00 GMT

XML is becoming the ubiquitous data format on the Web, and XML support in SQL Server is evolving to meet the additional demand. Using XML, SOAP, HTTP, and SQL Server, you can now build powerful Web Services easily. To show just how simple it is with SQLXML 3.0, this article walks the reader through the process step by step, from setting up a virtual directory enabling data access via HTTP to executing queries and building Web Services. Finally, the author illustrates the creation of two Web Services clients-one with C# that works with the Microsoft .NET Framework and one with the SOAP Toolkit 2.0 for anyone still using earlier development tools.

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BizTalk and XML - Add E-Commerce to Your App with XML and SQL Server 2000

Tue, 18 Dec 2001 10:00:00 GMT

XML support in SQL Server lives up to the hype that's always surrounded XML. Using SQL Server 2000, you can send queries over HTTP, save XML records to the database, and retrieve records via XML. This article shows how you can take advantage of these features in SQL Server 2000 by building a database entry system that keeps track of sales and customer information. The sample app presented here uses updategrams to make the database updates. To accomplish this, the mapping and usage of updategrams is explained. In this example, BizTalk is used to illustrate the XML capabilities of SQL Server 2000.

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