Update the DNS forwarder in Azure Stack Hub

At least one reachable DNS forwarder is necessary for the Azure Stack Hub infrastructure to resolve external names. A DNS forwarder must be provided for the deployment of Azure Stack Hub. That input is used for the Azure Stack Hub internal DNS servers as a forwarder and it enables external name resolution for services like authentication, marketplace management, or usage.

DNS is a critical datacenter infrastructure service that can change. If it does, Azure Stack Hub must be updated.

This article describes using the privileged endpoint (PEP) to update the DNS forwarder in Azure Stack Hub. It's recommended that you use two reliable DNS forwarder IP addresses.

Steps to update the DNS forwarder

  1. Connect to the privileged endpoint. It's not necessary to unlock the privileged endpoint by opening a support ticket.

  2. Run the following command to review the current configured DNS forwarder. As an alternative, you can also use the administrator portal region properties:

  3. Run the following command to update Azure Stack Hub to use the new DNS forwarder:

     Set-AzsDnsForwarder -IPAddress "IPAddress 1","IPAddress 2"
  4. Review the output of the command for any errors.

Next steps

Firewall integration