Azure Stack validation best practices

This article covers best practices for managing resources in Validation as a service (VaaS). For an overview of VaaS resources, see Validation as a Service key concepts.

Solution management

Naming convention for VaaS solutions

Use a consistent naming convention for all solutions registered in VaaS. For example, the solution name can be constructed from the hardware properties below as follows:

Product Name Unique Hardware Element 1 Unique Hardware Element 2 Solution Name
My Solution XYZ All Flash My Switch X01 MySolutionXYZ_AllFlash_MySwitchX01

When to create a new VaaS solution

Use the same VaaS solution when running workflows against the same hardware SKU. A new VaaS solution should be created only when there's a change to the hardware SKU.

Workflow management

Naming convention for VaaS workflows

Use a consistent naming convention for all VaaS workflow runs. For example, construct a workflow name from the build properties below as follows:

Build Number (Major) Date Solution Size Workflow Name
1808 081518 4NODE 1808_081518_4NODE

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