Set and view configuration settings

This topic describes how to view configuration settings, create and delete a service account, and create a role in Permissions Management.

View configuration settings

The Integrations dashboard displays the authorization systems available to you.

  1. To display the Integrations dashboard, select User (your initials) in the upper right of the screen, and then select Integrations.

    The Integrations dashboard displays a tile for each available authorization system.

  2. Select an authorization system tile to view the following integration information:

    1. To find out more about the Permissions Management API, select Permissions Management API, and then select documentation.

    2. To view information about service accounts, select Integration:

      • Email: Lists the email address of the user who created the integration.
      • Created By: Lists the first and last name of the user who created the integration.
      • Created On: Lists the date and time the integration was created.
      • Recent Activity: Lists the date and time the integration was last used, or notes if the integration was never used.
      • Service Account ID: Lists the service account ID.
      • Access Key: Lists the access key code.
    3. To view settings information, select Settings:

      • Roles can create service account: Lists the type of roles you can create.
      • Access Key Rotation Policy: Lists notifications and actions you can set.
      • Access Key Usage Policy: Lists notifications and actions you can set.

Create a service account

  1. On the Integrations dashboard, select User, and then select Integrations.

  2. Click Create Service Account. The following information is pre-populated on the page:

    • API Endpoint
    • Service Account ID
    • Access Key
    • Secret Key
  3. To copy the codes, select the Duplicate icon next to the respective information.


    The codes are time sensitive and will regenerate after the box is closed.

  4. To regenerate the codes, at the bottom of the column, select Regenerate.

Delete a service account

  1. On the Integrations dashboard, select User, and then select Integrations.

  2. On the right of the email address, select Delete Service Account.

    On the Validate OTP To Delete [Service Name] Integration box, a message displays asking you to check your email for a code sent to the email address on file.

    If you don't receive the code, select Resend OTP.

  3. In the Enter OTP box, enter the code from the email.

  4. Click Verify.

Create a role

  1. On the Integrations dashboard, select User, and then select Settings.

  2. Under Roles can create service account, select the role you want:

    • Super Admin
    • Viewer
    • Controller
  3. In the Access Key Rotation Policy column, select options for the following:

    • How often should the users rotate their access keys?: Select 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or Never.
    • Notification: Enter a whole number in the blank space within Notify "X" days before the selected period, or select Don't Notify.
    • Action (after the key rotation period ends): Select Disable Action Key or No Action.
  4. In the Access Key Usage Policy column, select options for the following:

    • How often should the users go without using their access keys?: Select 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or Never.
    • Notification: Enter a whole number in the blank space within Notify "X" days before the selected period, or select Don't Notify.
    • Action (after the key rotation period ends): Select Disable Action Key or No Action.
  5. Click Save.