Known issues in AKS enabled by Azure Arc

Applies to: Azure Stack HCI, version 23H2

This article identifies important known issues and their workarounds in AKS enabled by Arc on Azure Stack HCI version 23H2.

The article describes known issues in AKS Arc for all Azure Stack HCI 23H2 releases. These known issues are continuously updated, and as critical issues requiring a workaround are discovered, they're added. Before you deploy your Kubernetes clusters on Azure Stack HCI, carefully review this information.

Known issues in version 2311.2 (general availability release)

This release maps to software version 10.2311.2.7 of Azure Stack HCI.

Feature Issue Workaround/Comments
Cluster deployment The operation to the default node pool fails if the Kubernetes cluster is created using Azure CLI in a region that's different from the Azure Stack HCI custom location's region. Create a resource group in the same region as the Azure Stack HCI custom location region. Use the default option to create a Kubernetes cluster using Azure CLI.
HCI upgrade After an Azure Stack HCI cluster is upgraded to GA (version 2311.2), some operations (such as scaling and updating) cannot be performed on the cluster created in the preview version (2311.0). Use az aksarc upgrade to upgrade the Kubernetes version of the affected cluster to a GA-supported version. You can run az aksarc get-versions to list all the supported versions on your system.
HCI upgrade After an Azure Stack HCI cluster is upgraded to GA (version 2311.2), the Kubernetes cluster created in the preview version (2311.0) will not work properly if its cluster name has more than 31 characters. Delete this cluster and create a new one with a cluster name that has fewer than 31 chars.

Known issues in version 2311 (preview release)

This release maps to software version 10.2311.0.26 of Azure Stack HCI.

Feature Issue Workaround/Comments
Portal Specifying a Kubernetes version during cluster creation is not supported in the Azure portal. You can use Azure CLI to create the Kubernetes cluster with a supported Kubernetes version.
Portal The available list of VM types is not complete when creating Kubernetes clusters in the Azure portal.
Cluster upgrade The Azure CLI command for cluster upgrade az akshybrid upgrade does not work without specifying the target Kubernetes version. You must specify the target Kubernetes version when you run the az akshybrid upgrade command with the --version <target version> parameter.
Supported VM size The az akshybrid vmsize command does not correctly return the required available VM types. Wait for 10 minutes and rerun the same command to view the supported VM types.
HCI upgrade Creating an AKS Arc cluster in the Azure portal results in the error "The cluster extension does not support resource type Microsoft.HybridContainerService/ProvisionedClusterInstances with api-version 2024-01-01". The Azure portal is upgraded to the GA version, which doesn't support the preview of AKS on HCI 23H2. You must upgrade your Azure Stack HCI to the latest version.

Next steps