Retrieve certificate-based admin kubeconfig in AKS Arc

Applies to: Azure Stack HCI, version 23H2

This article describes how to retrieve a certificate-based admin kubeconfig in AKS enabled by Azure Arc.

Get admin certificate-based kubeconfig

An Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster admin can retrieve the certificate-based admin kubeconfig using the following command. To run the Azure CLI command, you must have "contributor," "owner," and "Azure Kubernetes Service Hybrid Cluster Admin Role" permissions on the cluster. You must also have the Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusterInstances/listAdminKubeconfig/action action on the cluster, which is pre-configured in the following built-in role.

az aksarc get-credentials --name 
Parameter Description
--name Name of the Arc-enabled AKS instance.
--resource-group Name of the resource group.
--admin Cluster admin credentials.
--context If specified, overwrite the default context name. The --admin parameter takes precedence over --context.
--file Kubernetes configuration file to update. The default is to add a new admin kubeconfig into the default kubeconfig path, which is ~.kube\config.
--overwrite-existing Overwrites an existing cluster entry with the same name. The default value is False.

For more information, see the documentation for az aksarc.

Next steps

AKS Arc overview