At-scale discovery of .NET web apps

For ASP. Net web apps discovery you need to either install a new Azure Migrate appliance or upgrade an existing Azure Migrate appliance.

Once the appliance is configured, Azure Migrate initiates the discovery of web apps deployed on IIS web servers hosted within your on-premises VMware environment. Discovery of ASP.NET web apps provide the following key capabilities:

  • Agentless discovery of up to 20,000 web apps with a single Azure Migrate appliance
  • Provide a rich & interactive dashboard with a list of IIS web servers and underlying VM infra details. Web apps discovery surfaces information such as:
    • web app name
    • web server type and version
    • URLs
    • binding port
    • application pool
  • If web app discovery has failed then the discovery dashboard allows easy navigation to review relevant error messages, possible causes of failure and suggested remediation actions

For more information about web apps discovery please refer to:

Next steps: At-scale assessment of .NET web apps