Troubleshoot Azure Automation account issues

This article discusses solutions to problems that you might encounter when you use an Azure Automation account. For general information about Automation accounts, see Azure Automation account authentication overview.

Scenario: Unable to create an Automation account when GUID is used as account name


When you create an Automation account with a GUID as an account name, you encounter an error.


An accountid is a unique identifier across all Automation accounts in a region and when the account name is a GUID, we keep both Automation accountid and name as GUID. In this scenario, when you create a new Automation account and specify a GUID (as an account name) and, if it conflicts with any existing Automation accountid, you encounter an error.

For example, when you try to create an Automation account with the name 8a2f48c1-9e99-472c-be1b-dcc11429c9ff and if there is already an existing Automation accountid across all Automation accounts in that region, then the account creation will fail and you will see the following error:


   "code": "BadRequest",

   "message": Automation account already exists with this account id. AccountId: 8a2f48c1-9e99-472c-be1b-dcc11429c9ff. 



Ensure that you create an Automation account with a new name.

Scenario: Unable to register Automation Resource Provider for subscriptions


When you work with management features, for example, Update Management, in your Automation account, you encounter the following error:

Error details: Unable to register Automation Resource Provider for subscriptions:


The Automation Resource Provider isn't registered in the subscription.


To register the Automation Resource Provider, follow these steps in the Azure portal:

  1. From your browser, go to the Azure portal.

  2. Go to Subscriptions, and select your subscription.

  3. Under Settings, select Resource Providers.

  4. From the list of resource providers, verify that the Microsoft.Automation resource provider is registered.

  5. If the provider isn't listed, register it as described in Resolve errors for resource provider registration.

Next steps

If this article doesn't resolve your issue, try one of the following channels for additional support:

  • Get answers from Azure experts through Azure Forums.
  • Connect with @AzureSupport. This is the official Microsoft Azure account for connecting the Azure community to the right resources: answers, support, and experts.
  • File an Azure support incident. Go to the Azure support site, and select Get Support.