Queries for the ACSRoomsIncomingOperations table

Rooms operational errors

List rooms error ordered by recency.

| where ResultType == "Failed"
| project TimeGenerated, OperationName, OperationVersion, ResultSignature
| order by TimeGenerated desc
| limit 100

Rooms operation result counts

For every rooms operation, count the types of returned results.

| summarize Count = count() by OperationName, OperationVersion, ResultType, ResultSignature
| order by OperationName asc, Count desc

Rooms operation summary

The average statistics of room properties such as participants count for operation version 2024-04-15.

// where OperationName == "<operation>" // This can be uncommented and specified to calculate only a single operation's duration percentiles
| where OperationVersion == "2024-04-15" 
| summarize TotalRoomCount = dcount(RoomId),
            AvgAddedParticipantsCount = avg(AddedRoomParticipantsCount),
            AvgRemovedParticipantsCount = avg(RemovedRoomParticipantsCount),
            AvgUpsertedParticipantsCount = avg(UpsertedRoomParticipantsCount),
            AvgRoomLifespan = avg(RoomLifespan),