Contribute to Bicep

Bicep is an open-source project. That means you can contribute to Bicep's development, and participate in the broader Bicep community.

Contribution types

  • Azure Quickstart Templates. You can contribute example Bicep files and ARM templates to the Azure Quickstart Templates repository. For more information, see the Azure Quickstart Templates contribution guide.
  • Documentation. Bicep's documentation is open to contributions, too. For more information, see our contributor guide overview.
  • Snippets. Do you have a favorite snippet you think the community would benefit from? You can add it to the Visual Studio Code extension's collection of snippets. For more information, see Contributing to Bicep.
  • Code changes. If you're a developer and you have ideas you'd like to see in the Bicep language or tooling, you can contribute a pull request. For more information, see Contributing to Bicep.

Next steps

To learn about the structure and syntax of Bicep, see Bicep file structure.