sys.sp_cleanup_data_retention (Transact-SQL)


Azure SQL Edge no longer supports the ARM64 platform.

Performs cleanup of obsolete records from tables that have data retention policies enabled. For more information, see Data Retention.


    { [ @schema_name = ] 'schema_name' } ,
    { [ @table_name = ] 'table_name' } ,
    [ [ @rowcount = ] rowcount OUTPUT ]


[ @schema_name = ] 'schema_name'

The name of the owning schema for the table on which cleanup needs to be performed. schema_name is a required parameter of type sysname.

[ @table_name = ] 'table_name'

The name of the table on which cleanup operation needs to be performed. table_name is a required parameter of type sysname.

Output parameter

[ @rowcount = ] rowcount OUTPUT

An optional OUTPUT parameter that represents the number of records cleanup from the table. rowcount is int.


Requires db_owner permissions.

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