API reference - Direct Line API 1.1


This article contains reference information for Direct Line API 1.1. If you're creating a new connection between your client application and bot, use Direct Line API 3.0 instead.

You can enable your client application to communicate with your bot by using Direct Line API 1.1. Direct Line API 1.1 uses industry-standard REST and JSON over HTTPS.

Base URI

To access Direct Line API 1.1, use this base URI for all API requests:



In addition to the standard HTTP request headers, a Direct Line API request must include an Authorization header that specifies a secret or token to authenticate the client that is issuing the request. You can specify the Authorization header using either the "Bearer" scheme or the "BotConnector" scheme.

Bearer scheme:

Authorization: Bearer SECRET_OR_TOKEN

BotConnector scheme:

Authorization: BotConnector SECRET_OR_TOKEN

For details about how to obtain a secret or token that your client can use to authenticate its Direct Line API requests, see Authentication.

HTTP status codes

The HTTP status code that is returned with each response indicates the outcome of the corresponding request.

HTTP status code Meaning
200 The request succeeded.
204 The request succeeded but no content was returned.
400 The request was malformed or otherwise incorrect.
401 The client isn't authorized to make the request. Often this status code occurs because the Authorization header is missing or malformed.
403 The client isn't allowed to perform the requested operation. Often this status code occurs because the Authorization header specifies an invalid token or secret.
404 The requested resource wasn't found. Typically this status code indicates an invalid request URI.
500 An internal server error occurred within the Direct Line service
502 A failure occurred within the bot; the bot is unavailable or returned an error. This is a common error code.

Token operations

Use these operations to create or refresh a token that a client can use to access a single conversation.

Operation Description
Generate Token Generate a token for a new conversation.
Refresh Token Refresh a token.

Generate Token

Generates a token that is valid for one conversation.

POST /api/tokens/conversation
Content Description
Request body n/a
Returns A string that represents the token

Refresh Token

Refreshes the token.

GET /api/tokens/{conversationId}/renew
Content Description
Request body n/a
Returns A string that represents the new token

Conversation operations

Use these operations to open a conversation with your bot and exchange messages between client and bot.

Operation Description
Start Conversation Opens a new conversation with the bot.
Get Messages Retrieves messages from the bot.
Send a Message Sends a message to the bot.
Upload and Send File(s) Uploads and sends file(s) as attachment(s).

Start Conversation

Opens a new conversation with the bot.

POST /api/conversations
Content Description
Request body n/a
Returns A Conversation object

Get Messages

Retrieves messages from the bot for the specified conversation. Set the watermark parameter in the request URI to indicate the most recent message seen by the client.

GET /api/conversations/{conversationId}/messages?watermark={watermark_value}
Content Description
Request body n/a
Returns A MessageSet object. The response contains watermark as a property of the MessageSet object. Clients should page through the available messages by advancing the watermark value until no messages are returned.

Send a Message

Sends a message to the bot.

POST /api/conversations/{conversationId}/messages
Content Description
Request body A Message object
Returns No data is returned in body of the response. The service responds with an HTTP 204 status code if the message was sent successfully. The client may obtain its sent message (along with any messages that the bot has sent to the client) by using the Get Messages operation.

Upload and Send File(s)

Uploads and sends file(s) as attachment(s). Set the userId parameter in the request URI to specify the ID of the user that is sending the attachments.

POST /api/conversations/{conversationId}/upload?userId={userId}
Content Description
Request body For a single attachment, populate the request body with the file contents. For multiple attachments, create a multipart request body that contains one part for each attachment, and also (optionally) one part for the Message object that should serve as the container for the specified attachment(s). For more information, see Send a message to the bot.
Returns No data is returned in body of the response. The service responds with an HTTP 204 status code if the message was sent successfully. The client may obtain its sent message (along with any messages that the bot has sent to the client) by using the Get Messages operation.


Uploaded files are deleted after 24 hours.


Direct Line 1.1 schema is a simplified copy of the Bot Framework v1 schema that includes the following objects.

Message object

Defines a message that a client sends to a bot or receives from a bot.

Property Type Description
id string ID that uniquely identifies the message (assigned by Direct Line).
conversationId string ID that identifies the conversation.
created string Date and time that the message was created, expressed in the ISO-8601) format.
from string ID that identifies the user that is the sender of the message. When creating a message, clients should set this property to a stable user ID. Although Direct Line will assign a user ID if none is supplied, this typically results in unexpected behavior.
text string Text of the message that is sent from user to bot or bot to user.
channelData object An object that contains channel-specific content. Some channels provide features that require additional information that can't be represented using the attachment schema. For those cases, set this property to the channel-specific content as defined in the channel's documentation. This data is sent unmodified between client and bot. This property must either be set to a complex object or left empty. Do not set it to a string, number, or other simple type.
images string[] Array of strings that contains the URL(s) for the image(s) that the message contains. In some cases, strings in this array may be relative URLs. If any string in this array doesn't begin with either "http" or "https", prepend https://directline.botframework.com to the string to form the complete URL.
attachments Attachment[] Array of Attachment objects that represent the non-image attachments that the message contains. Each object in the array contains a url property and a contentType property. In messages that a client receives from a bot, the url property may sometimes specify a relative URL. For any url property value that doesn't begin with either "http" or "https", prepend https://directline.botframework.com to the string to form the complete URL.

The following example shows a Message object that contains all possible properties. In most cases when creating a message, the client only needs to supply the from property and at least one content property (such as text, images, attachments, or channelData).

    "id": "CuvLPID4kDb|000000000000000004",
    "conversationId": "CuvLPID4kDb",
    "created": "2016-10-28T21:19:51.0357965Z",
    "from": "examplebot",
    "text": "Hello!",
    "channelData": {
        "examplefield": "abc123"
    "images": [
    "attachments": [
            "url": "https://example.com/example.docx",
            "contentType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"
            "url": "https://example.com/example.doc",
            "contentType": "application/msword"

MessageSet object

Defines a set of messages.

Property Type Description
messages Message[] Array of Message objects.
watermark string Maximum watermark of messages within the set. A client may use the watermark value to indicate the most recent message it has seen when retrieving messages from the bot.

Attachment object

Defines a non-image attachment.

Property Type Description
contentType string The media type of the content in the attachment.
url string URL for the content of the attachment.

Conversation object

Defines a Direct Line conversation.

Property Type Description
conversationId string ID that uniquely identifies the conversation for which the specified token is valid.
token string Token that is valid for the specified conversation.
expires_in number Number of seconds until the token expires.

Error object

Defines an error.

Property Type Description
code string Error code. One of these values: MissingProperty, MalformedData, NotFound, ServiceError, Internal, InvalidRange, NotSupported, NotAllowed, BadCertificate.
message string A description of the error.
statusCode number Status code.

ErrorMessage object

A standardized message error payload.

Property Type Description
error Error An Error object that contains information about the error.