Create a VMware vSphere template for Windows Server 2019

This article guides you through the process for creating a Windows Server 2019 VMware vSphere virtual machine (VM) template.



This guide assumes that you have some familiarity with VMware vSphere and know how to install Windows Server.

  • Make sure you have the latest Windows Server ISO file downloaded.

    • It's recommended to upload the Windows Server ISO file to a vSphere datastore or to vCenter content library for faster development. Note that the ISO file can also be used locally.
  • Make sure you have VMware vSphere version 6.5 or above.

Create a Windows Server 2019 VM template

Learn how to deploy and install Windows Server and convert VM to a template.

Deploy and install Windows Server

  1. Deploy a new virtual machine.

    Screenshot of vSphere client window that shows where you select the New Virtual Machine option.

    Screenshot of the "Select a creation type" section of the New Virtual Machine creation pane.

    Screenshot of the "Select a name and folder" section of the New Virtual Machine creation pane.

    Screenshot of the "Select a compute resource" section of the New Virtual Machine creation pane.

    Screenshot of the "Select storage" section of the New Virtual Machine creation pane.

    Screenshot of the "Select compatibility" section of the New Virtual Machine creation pane.

  2. Make sure you select Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or later (64-bit) as the guest OS.

    Screenshot of the "Select a guest OS" section of the New Virtual Machine creation pane.

  3. Point to the Windows Server ISO file location.

    Screenshot of the "Customize hardware" section of the New Virtual Machine creation pane.

    Screenshot of the "Ready to complete" section of the New Virtual Machine creation pane.

  • Power on your new VM and install Windows Server.

    Screenshot of the Windows Server run button in the vSphere client.

    Screenshot of Windows Setup window containing options for language and other preferences.

    Screenshot of Windows Setup window showing the "Install now" button.

    Screenshot of Windows Setup window where you select which operating system you want to install.

    Screenshot of Windows Setup window displaying Applicable notices and license terms.

    Screenshot of Windows Setup window where you select the location for your Windows Server installation.

    Screenshot of Windows Setup window showing the installation status.


Before you convert your VM to a template, complete the following steps.

  1. Install VMware Tools and restart.

    Screenshot showing the Install VMware tools button location.

    Screenshot showing install instructions for VMware tools.

    Screenshot of VMware Tools DVD Drive in the Windows Explorer window.

    Screenshot of VMware Tools Setup window containing the installation wizard.

    Screenshot of the VMware Tools Setup window where you select the "Typical" installation type.

    Screenshot of the VMware Tools Setup window saying it's ready to install.

    Screenshot of the VMware Tools Setup window showing that setup is complete.

    Screenshot of the VMware Tools Setup dialog box requiring a system restart.

    Screenshot of the vSphere client showing VMware Tools status.

  2. Perform Windows updates.

  3. Change PowerShell execution policy to Bypass by running the Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass command in PowerShell (you can also turn this on later using group policy or a PowerShell script).

  4. Allow communication between WinRM and the OS by running the allow_winrm PowerShell script

  5. Consider following these extra steps when creating a windows template:

    • Disable user account control (you can also turn this on later using group policy or a PowerShell script).

    • Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (you can also turn this on later using group policy or a PowerShell script).

      • Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) (you can also turn this on later using group policy or a PowerShell script).
    • Enable Remote Desktop Services.

    • Use PowerShell to install Chocolatey.

      Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
    • Install all baseline applications you might want to include in your template.


This guide is about creating VM templates. Additional care should be taken to make sure your VM deployments have appropriate controls in place to meet your security requirements.

Convert VM to a template

  • Reduce the VM's CPU count and memory resources to the minimum.
  • Switch the CD/DVD drive to client device, disconnect it, and convert the VM to a template.

Screenshot of the virtual hardware settings page options.

Screenshot of the vSphere client showing Convert to Template button location.