Tutorial: Triage incoming emails with power automate

In this tutorial you will categorize and triage incoming email using custom text classification. Using this Power Automate flow, when a new email is received, its contents will have a classification applied, and depending on the result, a message will be sent to a designated channel on Microsoft Teams.


Create a Power Automate flow

  1. Sign in to power automate

  2. From the left side menu, select My flows and create a Automated cloud flow

    A screenshot of the flow creation screen.

  3. Name your flow EmailTriage. Below Choose your flow's triggers, search for email and select When a new email arrives. Then select create

    A screenshot of the email flow triggers.

  4. Add the right connection to your email account. This connection will be used to access the email content.

  5. To add a Language service connector, search for Azure AI Language.

    A screenshot of available Azure AI Language service connectors.

  6. Search for CustomSingleLabelClassification.

    A screenshot of Classification connector.

  7. Start by adding the right connection to your connector. This connection will be used to access the classification project.

  8. In the documents ID field, add 1.

  9. In the documents text field, add body from dynamic content.

  10. Fill in the project name and deployment name of your deployed custom text classification model.

    A screenshot project details.

  11. Add a condition to send a Microsoft Teams message to the right team by:

    1. Select results from dynamic content, and add the condition. For this tutorial, we are looking for Computer_science related emails. In the Yes condition, choose your desired option to notify a team channel. In the No condition, you can add additional conditions to perform alternative actions.

    A screenshot of email flow.

Next steps