Data formats accepted by orchestration workflow

When data is used by your model for learning, it expects the data to be in a specific format. When you tag your data in Language Studio, it gets converted to the JSON format described in this article. You can also manually tag your files.

JSON file format

If you upload a tags file, it should follow this format.

  "projectFileVersion": "{API-VERSION}",
  "stringIndexType": "Utf16CodeUnit",
  "metadata": {
    "projectKind": "Orchestration",
    "projectName": "{PROJECT-NAME}",
    "multilingual": false,
    "description": "This is a description",
    "language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}"
  "assets": {
    "projectKind": "Orchestration",
    "intents": [
        "category": "{INTENT1}",
        "orchestration": {
          "targetProjectKind": "Luis|Conversation|QuestionAnswering",
          "luisOrchestration": {
            "appId": "{APP-ID}",
            "appVersion": "0.1",
            "slotName": "production"
          "conversationOrchestration": {
            "projectName": "{PROJECT-NAME}",
            "deploymentName": "{DEPLOYMENT-NAME}"
          "questionAnsweringOrchestration": {
            "projectName": "{PROJECT-NAME}"
    "utterances": [
        "text": "utterance 1",
        "language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
        "dataset": "{DATASET}",
        "intent": "intent1"
Key Placeholder Value Example
api-version {API-VERSION} The version of the API you are calling. The value referenced here is for the latest released model version released. 2022-03-01-preview
confidenceThreshold {CONFIDENCE-THRESHOLD} This is the threshold score below which the intent will be predicted as none intent 0.7
projectName {PROJECT-NAME} The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive. EmailApp
multilingual false Orchestration doesn't support the multilingual feature false
language {LANGUAGE-CODE} A string specifying the language code for the utterances used in your project. See Language support for more information about supported language codes. en-us
intents [] Array containing all the intent types you have in the project. These are the intents used in the orchestration project. []

Utterance format

        "intent": "intent1",
        "language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
        "text": "{Utterance-Text}",
        "intent": "intent2",
        "language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
        "text": "{Utterance-Text}",

Next steps