Logical operators in Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL


Logical operators in Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL compare two different expressions with boolean (true/false) operands.

Understanding logical (AND, OR and NOT) operators

Logical operators operate on boolean values. The following tables show the logical truth tables for each operator.

OR operator

The OR operator returns true when either of the conditions is true.

true false undefined
true true true true
false true false undefined
undefined true undefined undefined

AND operator

The AND operator returns true when both expressions are true.

true false undefined
true true false undefined
false false false false
undefined undefined false undefined

NOT operator

The NOT operator reverses the value of any boolean expression.

true false
false true
undefined undefined

Operator Precedence

The logical operators OR, AND, and NOT have the precedence level indicated here.

OR 3

* operator

The special operator * projects the entire item as is. When used, it must be the only projected field. A query like SELECT * FROM products p is valid, but SELECT VALUE * FROM products p or SELECT *, p.id FROM products p aren't valid.