Create a table's ingestion batching policy with the table batching policy wizard

During the ingestion process, throughput is optimized by batching small ingress data chunks together before ingestion. The ingestion batching policy defines data aggregation for batching. In this article, you can define and assign an ingestion batching policy for a table using the table batching policy wizard.


  • A Microsoft account or a Microsoft Entra user identity. An Azure subscription isn't required.
  • An Azure Data Explorer cluster and database. Create a cluster and database.

Define and assign a table batching policy

  1. In the left menu of the Azure Data Explorer web UI, select the Data tab, or use the link.

    Screenshot of Azure Data Explorer web U I with the table batching policy card selected to make policy changes.

  2. Select Table batching policy.

    The Table batching policy window opens with the Policy update tab selected.

Policy update

Screen shot of Update table batch policy window. Cluster, Database, Table, and Policy fields must be filled out before proceeding to Update.

  1. The Cluster and Database fields are auto-populated. You may select a different cluster or database from the drop-down menus, or add a cluster connection.

  2. Under Table, select a table from the drop-down menus.

  3. Under Inherit values from database, toggle On to apply the batching policy values from the database to the table. To create or update a separate policy for the table, toggle to Off.

  4. If you selected Off, you fill in the following fields to define the table batching policy sealing limits. A batch will be sealed if any condition is met. These fields are prepopulated with existing table batching policy settings.

    Setting Default value Field description
    Number of items 1000 The number of files defined as the limit after which a batch is sealed. This setting should only be set in scenarios where you can control the data units, such as blobs or files. In message-based scenarios, such as Event Hubs, IoT Hub, and Azure Cosmos DB change feed, consider using the Time and Size settings to control batching.
    Time (seconds) 300 The time limit after which a batch is sealed.
    Size (MB) 1024 The size limit after which a batch is sealed.

    For more information, see ingestion batching policy batch sealing.

  5. Select Update.


In the Summary tab, all steps will be marked with green check marks when the update finishes successfully. You can select View command to see the command that was used to alter the table batching policy. The tiles below these steps give you options to explore your data with Quick queries, or undo changes made using Tools.

Screenshot of final screen in the update table batching policy wizard for Azure Data Explorer.