Use user-defined processor

U-SQL UDO: user-defined processor

User-defined processor, or UDP, is a type of U-SQL UDO that enables you to process the incoming rows by applying programmability features. UDP enables you to combine columns, modify values, and add new columns if necessary. Basically, it helps to process a rowset to produce required data elements.

How to define and use user-defined processor

To define a UDP, we need to create an IProcessor interface with the SqlUserDefinedProcessor attribute, which is optional for UDP.

This interface should contain the definition for the IRow interface rowset override, as shown in the following example:

public class MyProcessor: IProcessor
public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)

SqlUserDefinedProcessor indicates that the type should be registered as a user-defined processor. This class can't be inherited.

The SqlUserDefinedProcessor attribute is optional for UDP definition.

The main programmability objects are input and output. The input object is used to enumerate input columns and output, and to set output data as a result of the processor activity.

For input columns enumeration, we use the input.Get method.

string column_name = input.Get<string>("column_name");

The parameter for input.Get method is a column that's passed as part of the PRODUCE clause of the PROCESS statement of the U-SQL base script. We need to use the correct data type here.

For output, use the output.Set method.

It's important to note that custom producer only outputs columns and values that are defined with the output.Set method call.

output.Set<string>("mycolumn", mycolumn);

The actual processor output is triggered by calling return output.AsReadOnly();.

Following is a processor example:

public class FullDescriptionProcessor : IProcessor
public override IRow Process(IRow input, IUpdatableRow output)
     string user = input.Get<string>("user");
     string des = input.Get<string>("des");
     string full_description = user.ToUpper() + "=>" + des;
     output.Set<string>("dt", input.Get<string>("dt"));
     output.Set<string>("full_description", full_description);
     output.Set<Guid>("new_guid", Guid.NewGuid());
     output.Set<Guid>("guid", input.Get<Guid>("guid"));
     return output.AsReadOnly();

In this use-case scenario, the processor is generating a new column called “full_description” by combining the existing columns--in this case, “user” in upper case, and “des”. It also regenerates a GUID and returns the original and new GUID values.

As you can see from the previous example, you can call C# methods during output.Set method call.

Following is an example of base U-SQL script that uses a custom processor:

DECLARE @input_file string = @"\usql-programmability\input_file.tsv";
DECLARE @output_file string = @"\usql-programmability\output_file.tsv";

@rs0 =
            guid Guid,
	    dt String,
            user String,
            des String
	FROM @input_file USING Extractors.Tsv();

@rs1 =
     PROCESS @rs0
     PRODUCE dt String,
             full_description String,
             guid Guid,
             new_guid Guid
     USING new USQL_Programmability.FullDescriptionProcessor();

OUTPUT @rs1 TO @output_file USING Outputters.Text();

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