Build a Maven package using Jenkins and Azure DevOps

TFS 2018 | TFS 2017

In this exercise, you are going to clone a GitHub repo into Azure DevOps, if you have not already done so. This repo contains a class library (MyShuttleCalc) that is used by the MyShuttle2 application. You will configure a Jenkins build to get the source code from the Azure DevOps repo, build and then publish the MyShuttleCalc package to an Azure DevOps Maven Package feed so that it can be consumed by MyShuttle2 and any other applications that require the calculation code.


These Hands-On Labs use a virtual machine with a Java environment configured by our partner, Northwest Cadence.

Learn how to connect to the Java VM environment here.


This exercise assumes you have completed the exercises to create a Team Project, have set up the Docker private Azure DevOps agent, and imported the MyShuttleCalc and MyShuttle2 GitHub repos into your Azure DevOps team project. This exercise also assumes that you have cloned the repos in either IntelliJ or Eclipse. This exercise uses a team project named jdev, though your team project name may differ.


It is not necessary to clone GitHub repos into Azure DevOps. Azure DevOps will work just fine with GitHub (or other Git hosted) repos. However, some linkages from source code to other aspects of the DevOps pipeline (such as work items, builds or releases) work best if the code is in Azure DevOps.


Port 8080 is not open on the Azure VM for security purposes. However, since a local agent is running in Docker on the VM, it will be able to build and interact with Azure DevOps anyway.

Configure Package Management

Before getting to the build, you will need to create the Maven Package Feed and then update the Maven settings file in the project to specify where to publish the package to. All these instructions are in the Maven Package Management with Azure DevOps Team Build. Please complete the following exercises from that lab:

  • Create a Maven Package Feed
  • Create a Maven Settings File with the Feed Credentials

Create an SSH Key for Git authentication

In this task you will create an SSH key to authenticate to the Azure DevOps repo. You need to create an SSH key if you do not already have one, then upload the public key to Azure DevOps. The Jenkins job will use the key to authenticate to the repo.

  1. On your VM, open a terminal by clicking on the Terminal Emulator icon in the toolbar.

    Click on the terminal icon in the Toolbar

  2. Enter the following command:

    ssh-keygen -C ""

    and press Enter 3 times to use the default id_rsa location as well as an empty pass phrase.

    Create an SSH key


    the domain is not important - use any value you want. You can also enter a pass phrase if you want to, though this will cause a prompt each time you use the key.

  3. Enter the following command to print out the public key in the terminal:

    cat /home/vmadmin/.ssh/
  4. Select all of the text (from ssh-rsa to, right-click and select "Copy".

  5. Go back to Chrome and browse to your Azure DevOps Team Project.

  6. Click on your profile image in the upper right. In the menu, click Security.

    Click on Security under your Profile image

  7. Click on "SSH public keys" and click the "Add" button.

  8. Enter "jdev" for the Description and then paste into the Key Data the contents of the public key (which should be in your clipboard).

    Add a new public key


    Once you have your SSH credentials set up, you can use the SSH URL when cloning repositories.

Configure the Jenkins Maven installation

In this task you will configure the Maven installation settings for Jenkins.

  1. On your VM, open Chrome and browse to https://localhost:8080 to open Jenkins.

  2. One the list of links in the left, click "Manage Jenkins". On the management page, click "Global Tool Configuration".

  3. Scroll down to Maven. Click "Add Maven" to add a new Maven installation.

  4. Enter default as the name. Uncheck the "Install Automatically" checkbox and enter /usr/share/maven for the MAVEN_HOME property.

    Configure the Jenkins Maven installation

  5. Click Save.

Create a Maven Job

In this task you will create a Maven job in Jenkins to build MyShuttleCalc and to deploy the package to the Azure DevOps Package feed.

  1. Open your Azure DevOps Project in Chrome and click on Repos to open the Code Hub. Select "MyShuttleCalc" from the list of repos.

    Navigate to MyShuttleCalc repo

  2. In the upper right, click the "Clone" button. Switch to the SSH tab and copy the SSH URL into the clipboard. Do not include the git@ portion of the URL.

    Copy the SSH URL

  3. Go back to Jenkins in your browser.

  4. In the list of items in the left navigation pane in Jenkins, click "New Item".

  5. Enter MyShuttleCalc for the item name and click on "Maven Project". Click OK.

  6. In the Source Code Management section, select Git. If you do not see an option for Git, you may be using an old version of Jenkins. Paste the SSH URL into the MyShuttleCalc repo.

  7. Click the "Add" button in the Credentials section and select "Jenkins".

  8. In the dialog, change the "Kind" to "SSH Username with private key".

  9. Select the "Enter directly" option under "Private Key".

  10. Open a terminal and cat the ~/.ssh/id_rsa file (or open it in any editor) and paste the contents into the Key textbox. Enter a passphrase (if you used one - otherwise leave it empty). Enter vmadmin as the ID. Click Add.

    Enter the SSH key info

  11. Your Source Code Management should now look like this:

    Source Code Management

  12. In the Build section, ensure that "Root POM" is pom.xml. Set the "Goals and options" to deploy -Dbuildversion=1.0.${BUILD_NUMBER}. Click the Advanced button to expand the advanced settings. Change the "Settings file" to "Settings file in filesystem" and set the "File path" to maven/settings.xml. These settings instruct Maven to build, test and package the code and then publish the package to the repository defined in the settings.xml file, which you previously modified to include the authentication token.

    Build settings

  13. Scroll down to Post-build Actions. Click "Add post-build action" and select "Record JaCoCo coverage report". You can leave all the settings as defaulted. This publishes the JaCoCo results for this job.

    JaCoCo post-build action

  14. Add a new post-build action - this time select "Archive the artifacts". Set "Files to archive" to **/MyShuttleCalc*.jar. This saves the MyShuttleCalc jar file as an artifact from this job.

  15. Add a new post-build action - this time select "Collect results for TFS/Azure DevOps". This step allows Jenkins to collect test results and coverage results so that they are available to Azure DevOps. Click the Add button twice to add 2 collectors:

    • Type: JUnit, Files to include: **/TEST-*.xml

    • Type: JaCoCo, Files to include: **/jacoco/**

      Azure DevOps Results action

  16. Click the Save button.

Schedule a Build

In this task you will run the build to ensure that it runs successfully.

  1. Click "Build Now" in the links on the left to start a build. Alternatively you can schedule the build from the dashboard by clicking the Schedule build button:

    Click schedule build

  2. Click on the build number to open the build. Click on "Console Output" to watch the logs.

  3. When the build completes, you can click on "Back to project" to go to the build summary. You should see test and coverage results as well as a link to the jar artifact.

    Jenkins build results

  4. Navigate to the Maven Package feed in Azure DevOps. You should see the latest package with the version number matching 1.0.jenkins-build-number.

    Package in feed

Integrate Azure DevOps Build and Jenkins

In this task you will configure a Build Pipeline in Azure DevOps that will trigger the Jenkins job and collect the results. This technique offers the integration from source control, work item tracking, test and release that you get in Azure DevOps but allows the build itself to be in Jenkins.

  1. In Jenkins, click on the Jenkins logo to navigate to the dashboard.

  2. Click "Manage Jenkins" and then click "Configure Global Security".

  3. Make sure the "Enable security" checkbox is checked.

  4. In the Access Control section, select "Jenkins' own user database" and check "Allow users to sign up". Ensure "Anyone can do anything" is selected user Authorization.

    Configure security

  5. Click "Save".

  6. On the upper-right of the black toolbar, click "sign up". Create a new user account, making a note of the username and password because you'll need them later on.

  7. Navigate to your Azure DevOps Project and click on the "Project settings" gear icon and then select "Service connections".

  8. Click "+ New service connection" and select Jenkins from the list.

  9. Enter the following:

    Name Value Notes
    Connection Name Azure VM Jenkins The name of this connection
    Server URL http://MyJenkinsServer:8080 The public URL of the Azure VM on port 8080 (the Jenkins port)
    Username The username you created in Jenkins
    Password The password you created in Jenkins
  10. Click on "Verify connection" to ensure that the connection is valid.

    Jenkins endpoint

  11. In Azure DevOps, click on Pipelines -> Builds to open the builds hub.

  12. Click the "+ New" button to create a new pipeline.

  13. Enter "jenkins" into the search box and press enter. Click on the Jenkins template and click Apply. Configure the following settings and tasks.

  14. Tasks->Process

    Parameter Value Notes
    Default agent queue default Run this build on your Azure DevOps agent container
    Job Name MyShuttleCalc The name of the Jenkins job
    Jenkins service connection Azure VM Jenkins The endpoint you just created to Jenkins
  15. Tasks->Get Sources Connect to the MyShuttleCalc repo on the main branch.

  16. Configure the "Queue Jenkins Job: MyShuttleCalc" task as follows:

    Queue Jenkins task

  17. Configure the "Download artifacts produced by MyShuttleCalc" task as follows:

    Download artifacts task

  18. Insert a "Publish Test Results" task and configure it as follows:

    Parameter Value Notes
    Test result format JUnit Publish JUnit results
    Test results files **/TEST-*.xml File containing test results
    Search Folder $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) Root folder for search operation

    Publish test results task

  19. Insert a "Publish Code Coverage Results" task and configure it as follows:

    Parameter Value Notes
    Code Coverage Tool JaCoCo Publish JaCoCo results
    Summary File $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/jenkinsResults/MyShuttleCalc/team-results/jacoco/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml File containing JaCoCo results
    Report Directory $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/jenkinsResults/MyShuttleCalc/team-results/jacoco/target/site/jacoco Folder containing detailed coverage reports

    Publish code coverage results task

  20. The final list of tasks should look as follows:

    Build tasks

  21. Save and Queue the build.

  22. When the build completes, click on the build number to see the results.

    Build results