Azure Repos - Sprint 150 Update


New merge types for completing pull requests

You now have more options when merging the changes from a pull request to the target branch. We have added support for two of our most requested features on the Developer Community: Fast-Forward merging and Semi-Linear merging (also called “Rebase and Merge”).

You will now see these new options available in the Complete Pull Request dialog:

New merge types for completing pull requests.

The updated policy administration page allows administrators to control which merge strategies are allowed on a branch or folder of branches.

Limit merge types.


Existing policies are still enforced. For example, if your branch currently has a “squash merge only” policy in place, you will have to edit that policy in order to use the new merge strategies.

There are a few situations when rebasing during pull request completion is not possible:

  • If a policy on the target branch prohibits using rebase strategies, you will need “Override branch policies” permission.
  • If the source branch of the pull request has policies, you won’t be able to rebase it. Rebasing will modify the source branch without going through the policy approval process.
  • If you’ve used the Merge Conflict Extension to resolve merge conflicts. Conflict resolutions applied to a three-way merge are seldom successful (or even valid) when rebasing all the commits in a pull request one at a time.

In all these cases, you still have the option of rebasing your branch locally and pushing to the server, or squash-merging your changes when completing the pull request.

Next steps


These features will roll out over the next two to three weeks.

Head over to Azure DevOps and take a look.

How to provide feedback

We would love to hear what you think about these features. Use the feedback menu to report a problem or provide a suggestion.

Make a suggestion

You can also get advice and your questions answered by the community on Stack Overflow.


Jeremy Epling