Monitor data reference for Azure Event Grid’s MQTT broker feature (Preview)

This article provides a reference of log and metric data collected to analyze the performance and availability of MQTT broker.


Metric Display name Unit Aggregation Description Dimensions
MQTT.RequestCount MQTT: RequestCount Count  Total The number of MQTT requests. OperationType, Protocol, Result, Error
MQTT.Throughput MQTT: Throughput Count Total The total bytes published to or delivered by the namespace. This metric includes all the MQTT packets that your MQTT clients send to the MQTT broker, regardless of their success. Direction
MQTT.ThrottlingEnforcements MQTT: Throttling Enforcements Count Total The number of times that any request got throttled in the namespace. ThrottleType
MQTT.SuccessfulPublishedMessages MQTT: Successful Published Messages Count  Total The number of MQTT messages that were published successfully into the namespace. Protocol, QoS
MQTT.FailedPublishedMessages MQTT: Failed Published Messages Count  Total The number of MQTT messages that failed to be published into the namespace. Protocol, QoS, Error
MQTT.SuccessfulDeliveredMessages MQTT: Successful Delivered Messages Count  Total  The number of messages delivered by the namespace, regardless of the acknowledgments from MQTT clients. There are no failures for this operation. Protocol, QoS
MQTT.SuccessfulSubscriptionOperations MQTT: Successful Subscription Operations Count Total The number of successful subscription operations (Subscribe, Unsubscribe). This metric is incremented for every topic filter within your subscription request that gets accepted by MQTT broker. OperationType, Protocol
MQTT.FailedSubscriptionOperations MQTT: Failed Subscription Operations Count Total The number of failed subscription operations (Subscribe, Unsubscribe). This metric is incremented for every topic filter within your subscription request that gets rejected by MQTT broker. OperationType, Protocol, Error
Mqtt.SuccessfulRoutedMessages MQTT: Successful Routed Messages Count Total The number of MQTT messages that were routed successfully from the namespace.
Mqtt.FailedRoutedMessages MQTT: Failed Routed Messages Count Total The number of MQTT messages that failed to be routed from the namespace. Error
MQTT.Connections MQTT: Active Connections Count Total The number of active connections in the namespace. The value for this metric is a point-in-time value. Connections that were active immediately after that point-in-time might not be reflected in the metric. Protocol
Mqtt.DroppedSessions MQTT: Dropped Sessions Count Total The number of dropped sessions in the namespace. The value for this metric is a point-in-time value. Sessions that were dropped immediately after that point-in-time might not be reflected in the metric. DropReason


Each subscription request increments the MQTT.RequestCount metric, while each topic filter within the subscription request increments the subscription operation metrics. For example, consider a subscription request that is sent with five different topic filters. Three of these topic filters were succeessfully processed while two of the topic filters failed to be processed. The following list represent the resulting increments to the metrics:

  • MQTT.RequestCount:1
  • MQTT.SuccessfulSubscriptionOperations:3
  • MQTT.FailedSubscriptionOperations:2

Metric dimensions

Dimension Values
OperationType The type of the operation. The available values include:

- Publish: PUBLISH requests sent from MQTT clients to Event Grid.
- Deliver: PUBLISH requests sent from Event Grid to MQTT clients.
- Subscribe: SUBSCRIBE requests by MQTT clients.
- Unsubscribe: UNSUBSCRIBE requests by MQTT clients.
- Connect: CONNECT requests by MQTT clients.
Protocol The protocol used in the operation. The available values include:

- MQTT3: MQTT v3.1.1
- MQTT5: MQTT v5
- MQTT3-WS: MQTT v3.1.1 over WebSocket
- MQTT5-WS: MQTT v5 over WebSocket
Result Result of the operation. The available values include:

- Success
- ClientError
- ServiceError
Error Error occurred during the operation.
The available values for MQTT: RequestCount, MQTT: Failed Published Messages, MQTT: Failed Subscription Operations metrics include:

-QuotaExceeded: the client exceeded one or more of the throttling limits that resulted in a failure
- AuthenticationError: a failure because of any authentication reasons.
- AuthorizationError: a failure because of any authorization reasons.
- ClientError: the client sent a bad request or used one of the unsupported features that resulted in a failure.
- ServiceError: a failure because of an unexpected server error or for a server's operational reason.

Learn more about how the supported MQTT features.

The available values for MQTT: Failed Routed Messages metric include:

-AuthenticationError: the EventGrid Data Sender role for the custom topic configured as the destination for MQTT routed messages was deleted.
-TopicNotFoundError: The custom topic that is configured to receive all the MQTT routed messages was deleted.
-TooManyRequests: the number of MQTT routed messages per second exceeds the limit of the destination (namespace topic or custom topic) for MQTT routed messages.
- ServiceError: a failure because of an unexpected server error or for a server's operational reason.

Learn more about how the MQTT broker handles each of these routing errors.
ThrottleType The type of throttle limit that got exceeded in the namespace. The available values include:
- InboundBandwidthPerNamespace
- InboundBandwidthPerConnection
- IncomingPublishPacketsPerNamespace
- IncomingPublishPacketsPerConnection
- OutboundPublishPacketsPerNamespace
- OutboundPublishPacketsPerConnection
- OutboundBandwidthPerNamespace
- OutboundBandwidthPerConnection
- SubscribeOperationsPerNamespace
- SubscribeOperationsPerConnection
- ConnectPacketsPerNamespace

Learn more about the limits.
QoS Quality of service level. The available values are: 0, 1.
Direction The direction of the operation. The available values are:

- Inbound: inbound throughput to Event Grid.
- Outbound: outbound throughput from Event Grid.
DropReason The reason a session was dropped. The available values include:

- SessionExpiry: a persistent session has expired.
- TransientSession: a non-persistent session has expired.
- SessionOverflow: a client didn't connect during the lifespan of the session to receive queued QOS1 messages until the queue reached its maximum limit.
- AuthorizationError: a session drop because of any authorization reasons.

Resource logs

MQTT broker in Azure Event Grid captures diagnostic logs for the following categories:

This section provides schema and examples for these logs.

Common properties

The following properties are common for all the resource logs from MQTT broker.

Property name Type Description
time DateTime Timestamp (UTC) when the log was generated.
resourceId String Resource ID of the Event Grid namespace. For example: /SUBSCRIPTIONS/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/RESOURCEGROUPS/MYRG/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.EVENTGRID/NAMESPACE/MYNAMESPACE.
location String Location of the namespace
operationName String Name of the operation. For example: Microsoft.EventGrid/topicspaces/connect, Microsoft.EventGrid/topicspaces/disconnect, Microsoft.EventGrid/topicspaces/publish, Microsoft.EventGrid/topicspaces/subscribe, Microsoft.EventGrid/topicspaces/unsubscribe.
category String Category or type of the operation. For example: FailedMQTTConnections, SuccessfulMQTTConnections, MQTTDisconnections, FailedMQTTPublishedMessages, FailedMQTTSubscriptionOperations.
resultType String Result of the operation. For example: Failed, Succeeded.
resultSignature String Result of the failed operation. For example: QuotaExceeded, ClientAuthenticationError, AuthorizationError. This property isn't included for the successful events like SuccessfulMQTTConnections.
resultDescription String More description about the result of the failed operation. This property isn't included for the successful events like SuccessfulMQTTConnections.
AuthenticationAuthority String Type of authority used to authenticate your MQTT client. It's set to one of the following values: Local for clients registered in Event Grid's local registry, or AAD for clients using Microsoft Entra for authentication.
authenticationType String Type of authentication used by the client. It's set to one of the following values: CertificateThumbprintMatch, AccessToken, or CACertificate.
clientIdentitySource String Source of the client’s identity. It's JWT when you use Microsoft Entra ID authentication.
authenticationAuthority String Authority of the client's identity. It's set to one of the following values: local for the clients in Event Grid namespace's local registry, AAD for AAD clients.
clientIdentity String Value of the client’s identity. It's the name of the local registry or object ID for Microsoft Entra ID clients.

Failed MQTT connections

This log includes an entry for every failed MQTT CONNECT operation by the client. This log can be used to diagnose connectivity issues.

Here's a sample Failed MQTT connection log entry.

    "time": "2023-11-06T22:45:02.6829930Z",
    "location": "eastus",
    "operationName": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topicspaces/connect",
    "category": "FailedMqttConnections",
    "resultType": "Failed",
    "resultSignature": "AuthenticationError",
    "resultDescription": "Client could not be found",
    "identity": {
      "authenticationType": "CertificateThumbprintMatch",
      "clientIdentitySource": "UserName",
      "authenticationAuthority": "Local",
      "clientIdentity": "testclient-1"
    "properties": {
      "sessionName": "testclient1",
      "protocol": "MQTT5",
      "traceId": "pwu5p3uuvzbyzpe4vyygij3it4"

Here are the properties and their descriptions.

Property Type Description
sessionName String Name of the session provided by the client in the MQTT CONNECT packet’s clientId field.
protocol String Protocol used by the client to connect. Possible values are: MQTT3, MQTT3-WS, MQTT5, MQTT5-WS.
traceId Int Generated trace ID.

Successful MQTT connections

This log includes an entry for every successful MQTT CONNECT operation by the client. This log can be used for auditing purposes.

    "time": "2023-11-07T01:22:05.2804980Z",
    "location": "eastus",
    "operationName": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topicspaces/connect",
    "category": "SuccessfulMqttConnections",
    "resultType": "Succeeded",
    "identity": {
      "authenticationType": "CertificateThumbprintMatch",
      "clientIdentitySource": "UserName",
      "authenticationAuthority": "Local",
      "clientIdentity": "client1"
    "properties": { 
      "sessionName": "client1", 
      "protocol": "MQTT5" 

Here are the properties and their descriptions.

Property Type Description
sessionName String Name of the session provided by the client in the MQTT CONNECT packet’s clientId field.
protocol String Protocol used by the client to connect. Possible values are: MQTT3, MQTT3-WS, MQTT5, MQTT5-WS.

MQTT disconnections

This log includes an entry for every MQTT client disconnection from an Event Grid namespace. This log can be used to diagnose connectivity issues.

    "time": "2023-11-07T01:29:22.4591610Z",
    "location": "eastus",
    "operationName": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topicspaces/disconnect",
    "category": "MqttDisconnections",
    "resultType": "Failed",
    "resultSignature": "ClientError",
    "resultDescription": "Timed out per negotiated Keep Alive",
    "identity": { 
      "clientIdentity": "client1" 
    "properties": { 
      "sessionName": "client1", 
      "protocol": "MQTT5" 

Here are the properties and their descriptions.

Property Type Description
sessionName String Name of the session provided by the client in the MQTT CONNECT packet’s clientId field.
protocol String Protocol used by the client to connect. Possible values are: MQTT3, MQTT3-WS, MQTT5, MQTT5-WS.

Failed MQTT published messages

This log includes an entry for every MQTT message that failed to be published to or delivered by an Event Grid namespace. This log can be used to diagnose publishing issues and message loss.

    "time": "2023-11-07T01:22:48.2811790Z",
    "location": "eastus",
    "operationName": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topicspaces/publish",
    "category": "FailedMqttPublishedMessages",
    "resultType": "Failed",
    "resultSignature": "AuthorizationError",
    "resultDescription": "Topic name 'testtopic/small4.0' does not match any topicspaces",
    "identity": { "clientIdentity": "client1" },
    "properties": {
      "sessionName": "client1",
      "protocol": "MQTT5",
      "traceId": "ako65yewjjhzbdp3lxny7557fu",
      "qos": 1,
      "topicName": "testtopic/small4.0",
      "operationCount": 1

Here are the columns of the EventGridNamespaceFailedMqttPublishedMessages Log Analytics table and their descriptions.

Column name Type Description
sessionName String Name of the session provided by the client in the MQTT CONNECT packet’s clientId field.
protocol String Protocol used by the client to publish. Possible values are: MQTT3, MQTT3-WS, MQTT5, MQTT5-WS.
traceId Int Generated trace ID.
qos Int Quality of service used by the client to publish. Possible values are: 0 or 1.
topicName String MQTT Topic Name used by the client to publish.
operationCount Int Count of MQTT message that failed to be published to or delivered by an Event Grid namespace with the same resultDescription.

Failed MQTT subscription operations

This log includes an entry for every MQTT subscribe operation by an MQTT client. A log entry is added for each topic filter within the same subscribe/unsubscribe packet that has the same error. This log can be used to diagnose subscription issues and message loss.

    "time": "2023-11-07T01:22:39.0339970Z",
    "location": "eastus",
    "operationName": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topicspaces/subscribe",
    "category": "FailedMqttSubscriptionOperations",
    "resultType": "Failed",
    "resultSignature": "AuthorizationError",
    "resultDescription": "Topic filter 'testtopic/#' does not match any topicspaces",
    "identity": { "clientIdentity": "client1" },
    "properties": {
      "sessionName": "client1",
      "protocol": "MQTT5",
      "traceId": "gnz3cgqpozg4tbm5anvsvopafi",
      "topicFilters": ["testtopic/#"]

Here are the columns of the EventGridNamespaceFailedMqttSubscriptions Log Analytics table and their descriptions.

Column name Type Description
sessionName String Name of the session provided by the client in the MQTT CONNECT packet’s clientId field.
protocol String Protocol used by the client to publish. Possible values are: MQTT3, MQTT3-WS, MQTT5, MQTT5-WS.
traceId Int Generated trace ID.
topicFilters Array of strings List of topic names within the same packet that have the same error.

Next steps

See the following articles: