Event Hubs management libraries

You can use the Azure Event Hubs management libraries to dynamically provision Event Hubs namespaces and entities. This dynamic nature enables complex deployments and messaging scenarios, so that you can programmatically determine what entities to provision. These libraries are currently available for .NET.

Supported functionality

  • Namespace creation, update, deletion
  • Event Hubs creation, update, deletion
  • Consumer Group creation, update, deletion


To get started using the Event Hubs management libraries, you must authenticate with Microsoft Entra ID. Microsoft Entra ID requires that you authenticate as a service principal, which provides access to your Azure resources. For information about creating a service principal, see one of these articles:

These tutorials provide you with an AppId (Client ID), TenantId, and ClientSecret (authentication key), all of which are used for authentication by the management libraries. The Microsoft Entra application must be added to the Azure Event Hubs Data Owner role at the resource group level.

Sample code

The pattern to manipulate any Event Hubs resource follows a common protocol:

  1. Obtain a token from Microsoft Entra ID using the Microsoft.Identity.Client library.
  2. Create the EventHubManagementClient object.
  3. Then, use the client object to create an Event Hubs namespace and an event hub.

Here's the sample code to create an Event Hubs namespace and an event hub.

namespace event_hub_dotnet_management
	using System;
	using System.Threading.Tasks;
	using Microsoft.Azure.ResourceManager.EventHubs;
	using Microsoft.Azure.ResourceManager.EventHubs.Models;
	using Microsoft.Identity.Client;
	using Microsoft.Rest;

	public static class EventHubManagementSample
		private static string resourceGroupName = "<YOUR EXISTING RESOURCE GROUP NAME>";
		private static string namespaceName = "<EVENT HUBS NAMESPACE TO BE CREATED>";
		private const string eventHubName = "<EVENT HUB TO BE CREATED>";
		private const string location = "<REGION>"; //for example: "eastus"

		public static async Task Main()
			// get a token from Azure AD 
			var token = await GetToken();

			// create an EventHubManagementClient 
			var creds = new TokenCredentials(token);
			var ehClient = new EventHubManagementClient(creds)
				SubscriptionId = "<AZURE SUBSCRIPTION ID>"

			// create an Event Hubs namespace using the EventHubManagementClient
			await CreateNamespace(ehClient);

			// create an event hub using the EventHubManagementClient
			await CreateEventHub(ehClient);

			Console.WriteLine("Press a key to exit.");

		// Get an authentication token from Azure AD first
		private static async Task<string> GetToken()
				Console.WriteLine("Acquiring token...");

				var tenantId = "<AZURE TENANT ID>";

				// use the Azure AD app that's a member of Azure Event Hubs Data Owner role at the resource group level
				var clientId = "<AZURE APPLICATION'S CLIENT ID>";
				var clientSecret = "<CLIENT SECRET>";

				IConfidentialClientApplication app;

				app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(clientId)

				var result = await app.AcquireTokenForClient(new[] { $"https://management.core.windows.net/.default" })

				// If the token isn't a valid string, throw an error.
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.AccessToken))
					throw new Exception("Token result is empty!");

				return result.AccessToken;
			catch (Exception e)
				Console.WriteLine("Could not get a new token...");
				throw e;

		// Create an Event Hubs namespace
		private static async Task CreateNamespace(EventHubManagementClient ehClient)
				Console.WriteLine("Creating namespace...");
				await ehClient.Namespaces.CreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, namespaceName, new EHNamespace { Location = location });
				Console.WriteLine("Created namespace successfully.");
			catch (Exception e)
				Console.WriteLine("Could not create a namespace...");

		// Create an event hub
		private static async Task CreateEventHub(EventHubManagementClient ehClient)
				Console.WriteLine("Creating Event Hub...");
				await ehClient.EventHubs.CreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, namespaceName, eventHubName, new Eventhub());
				Console.WriteLine("Created Event Hub successfully.");
			catch (Exception e)
				Console.WriteLine("Could not create an Event Hub...");

Next steps