Deploying dependencies for local development


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This article explains how to deploy only the Azure Platform Services needed to do local development and debugging. At the end, you will have a resource group deployed that contains everything you need for local development and debugging.

Deploy Azure platform services

  1. Make sure you have PowerShell and AzureRM PowerShell extensions installed. Open a command prompt or terminal and run:

    git clone
    cd azure-iiot-components
    deploy -type local
  2. Follow the prompts to assign a name to the resource group for your deployment. The script deploys only the dependencies to this resource group in your Azure subscription, but not the micro services. The script also registers an Application in Azure AD. This is needed to support OAUTH-based authentication. Deployment can take several minutes.

  3. Once the script completes, you can select to save the .env file. The .env environment file is the configuration file of all services and tools you want to run on your development machine.

Troubleshooting deployment failures

Resource group name

Ensure you use a short and simple resource group name. The name is used also to name resources as such it must comply with resource naming requirements.

Azure Active Directory (AD) registration

The deployment script tries to register Azure AD applications in Azure AD. Depending on your rights to the selected Azure AD tenant, this might fail. There are three options:

  1. If you chose a Azure AD tenant from a list of tenants, restart the script and choose a different one from the list.
  2. Alternatively, deploy a private Azure AD tenant, restart the script and select to use it.
  3. Continue without Authentication. Since you are running your micro services locally, this is acceptable, but does not mimic production environments.

Next steps

Now that you have successfully deployed OPC Twin services to an existing project, here is the suggested next step: