Implement the device model behavior

The article Understand the device model schema described the schema that defines a simulated device model. That article referred to two types of JavaScript file that implement the behavior of a simulated device:

  • State JavaScript files that run at fixed intervals to update the internal state of the device.
  • Method JavaScript files that run when the solution invokes a method on the device.


Device model behaviors are only for simulated devices hosted in the device simulation service. If you want to create a real device, see Connect your device to the Remote Monitoring solution accelerator.

In this article, you learn how to:

  • Control the state of a simulated device
  • Define how a simulated device responds to a method call from the Remote Monitoring solution
  • Debug your scripts

State behavior

The Simulation section of the device model schema defines the internal state of a simulated device:

  • InitialState defines initial values for all the properties of the device state object.
  • Script identifies a JavaScript file that runs on a schedule to update the device state.

The following example shows the definition of the device state object for a simulated chiller device:

"Simulation": {
  "InitialState": {
    "online": true,
    "temperature": 75.0,
    "temperature_unit": "F",
    "humidity": 70.0,
    "humidity_unit": "%",
    "pressure": 150.0,
    "pressure_unit": "psig",
    "simulation_state": "normal_pressure"
  "Interval": "00:00:05",
  "Scripts": {
    "Type": "javascript",
    "Path": "chiller-01-state.js"

The state of the simulated device, as defined in the InitialState section, is held in memory by the simulation service. The state information is passed as input to the main function defined in chiller-01-state.js. In this example, the simulation service runs the chiller-01-state.js file every five seconds. The script can modify the state of the simulated device.

The following shows the outline of a typical main function:

function main(context, previousState, previousProperties) {

  // Use the previous device state to
  // generate the new device state
  // returned by the function.

  return state;

The context parameter has the following properties:

  • currentTime as a string with format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz
  • deviceId, for example Simulated.Chiller.123
  • deviceModel, for example Chiller

The state parameter contains the state of the device as maintained by the device simulation service. This value is the state object returned by the previous call to main.

The following example shows a typical implementation of the main method to handle the device state maintained by the simulation service:

// Default state
var state = {
  online: true,
  temperature: 75.0,
  temperature_unit: "F",
  humidity: 70.0,
  humidity_unit: "%",
  pressure: 150.0,
  pressure_unit: "psig",
  simulation_state: "normal_pressure"

function restoreState(previousState) {
  // If the previous state is null, force a default state
  if (previousState !== undefined && previousState !== null) {
      state = previousState;
  } else {
      log("Using default state");

function main(context, previousState, previousProperties) {


  // Update state

  return state;

The following example shows how the main method can simulate telemetry values that vary over time:

 * Simple formula generating a random value
 * around the average and between min and max
function vary(avg, percentage, min, max) {
  var value = avg * (1 + ((percentage / 100) * (2 * Math.random() - 1)));
  value = Math.max(value, min);
  value = Math.min(value, max);
  return value;

function main(context, previousState, previousProperties) {


    // 75F +/- 5%,  Min 25F, Max 100F
    state.temperature = vary(75, 5, 25, 100);

    // 70% +/- 5%,  Min 2%, Max 99%
    state.humidity = vary(70, 5, 2, 99);

    log("Simulation state: " + state.simulation_state);
    if (state.simulation_state === "high_pressure") {
        // 250 psig +/- 25%,  Min 50 psig, Max 300 psig
        state.pressure = vary(250, 25, 50, 300);
    } else {
        // 150 psig +/- 10%,  Min 50 psig, Max 300 psig
        state.pressure = vary(150, 10, 50, 300);

    return state;

You can view the complete chiller-01-state.js on GitHub.

Method behavior

The CloudToDeviceMethods section of the device model schema defines the methods a simulated device responds to.

The following example shows the list of methods supported by a simulated chiller device:

"CloudToDeviceMethods": {
  "Reboot": {
    "Type": "javascript",
    "Path": "Reboot-method.js"
  "FirmwareUpdate": {
    "Type": "javascript",
    "Path": "FirmwareUpdate-method.js"
  "EmergencyValveRelease": {
    "Type": "javascript",
    "Path": "EmergencyValveRelease-method.js"
  "IncreasePressure": {
    "Type": "javascript",
    "Path": "IncreasePressure-method.js"

Each method has an associated JavaScript file that implements the behavior of the method.

The state of the simulated device, as defined in the InitialState section of the schema, is held in memory by the simulation service. The state information is passed as input to the main function defined in the JavaScript file when the method is called. The script can modify the state of the simulated device.

The following shows the outline of a typical main function:

function main(context, previousState, previousProperties) {


The context parameter has the following properties:

  • currentTime as a string with format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sszzz
  • deviceId, for example Simulated.Chiller.123
  • deviceModel, for example Chiller

The state parameter contains the state of the device as maintained by the device simulation service.

The properties parameter contains the properties of the device that are written as reported properties to the IoT Hub device twin.

There are three global functions you can use to help implement the behavior of the method:

  • updateState to update the state held by the simulation service.
  • updateProperty to update a single device property.
  • sleep to pause execution to simulate a long-running task.

The following example shows an abbreviated version of the IncreasePressure-method.js script used by the simulated chiller devices:

function main(context, previousState, previousProperties) {

    log("Starting 'Increase Pressure' method simulation (5 seconds)");

    // Pause the simulation and change the simulation mode so that the
    // temperature will fluctuate at ~250 when it resumes
    var state = {
        simulation_state: "high_pressure",
        CalculateRandomizedTelemetry: false

    // Increase
    state.pressure = 210;
    log("Pressure increased to " + state.pressure);

    // Increase
    state.pressure = 250;
    log("Pressure increased to " + state.pressure);

    // Resume the simulation
    state.CalculateRandomizedTelemetry = true;

    log("'Increase Pressure' method simulation completed");

Debugging script files

It's not possible to attach a debugger to the Javascript interpreter used by the device simulation service to run state and method scripts. However, you can log information in the service log. The built-in log() function enables you to save information to track and debug function execution.

If there is a syntax error the interpreter fails, and writes a Jint.Runtime.JavaScriptException entry to the service log.

The Running the service locally article on GitHub shows you how to run the device simulation service locally. Running the service locally makes it easier to debug your simulated devices before you deploy them to the cloud.

Next steps

This article described how to define the behavior of your own custom simulated device model. This article showed you how to:

  • Control the state of a simulated device
  • Define how a simulated device responds to a method call from the Remote Monitoring solution
  • Debug your scripts

Now that you've learned how to specify the behavior of a simulated device, the suggested next step is to learn how to Create a simulated device.

For more developer information about the Remote Monitoring solution, see: