Connect to an Azure Data Factory privately networked pipeline with Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server by using Azure Private Link

APPLIES TO: Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server

In this article, you connect Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server to an Azure Data Factory pipeline via Azure Private Link.

Azure Data Factory is a fully managed, serverless solution to ingest and transform data. An Azure integration runtime supports connecting to data stores and compute services with public accessible endpoints. When you enable a managed virtual network, an integration runtime supports connecting to data stores by using the Azure Private Link service in a private network environment.

Data Factory offers three types of integration runtimes:

  • Azure
  • Self-hosted
  • Azure-SQL Server Integration Services (Azure-SSIS)

Choose the type that best serves your data integration capabilities and network environment requirements.


Create a private endpoint in Data Factory

An Azure Database for PostgreSQL connector currently supports public connectivity only. When you use an Azure Database for PostgreSQL connector in Azure Data Factory, you might get an error when you try to connect to a privately networked instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server.

To work around this limitation, you can use the Azure CLI to create a private endpoint first. Then you can use the Data Factory user interface with the Azure Database for PostgreSQL connector to create a connection between privately networked Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server and Azure Data Factory in a managed virtual network.

The following example creates a private endpoint in Azure Data Factory. Substitute the placeholders subscription_id, resource_group_name, azure_data_factory_name, endpoint_name, and flexible_server_name with your own values.

az resource create --id /subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/<azure_data_factory_name>/managedVirtualNetworks/default/managedPrivateEndpoints/<endpoint_name> --properties '
  "privateLinkResourceId": "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/<flexible_server_name>",
  "groupId": "postgresqlServer"


An alternative command to create a private endpoint in Data Factory by using the Azure CLI is az datafactory managed-private-endpoint create.

After you successfully run the preceding command, you can view the private endpoint in the Azure portal by going to Data Factory > Managed private endpoints. The following screenshot shows an example.

Example screenshot of the pane for managed private endpoints in the Azure portal.

Approve a private endpoint

After you provision a private endpoint, you can approve it by following the Manage approvals in Azure portal link in the endpoint details. It takes several minutes for Data Factory to discover that the private endpoint is approved.

Add a networked server data source in Data Factory

When provisioning succeeds and the endpoint is approved, you can finally create a connection to PGFlex using the Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server Data Factory connector.

In the preceding steps, when you selected the server for which you created the private endpoint, the private endpoint was also selected automatically.

  1. Select a database, enter a username and password, and select SSL as the encryption method. The following screenshot shows an example.

    Example screenshot of connection properties.

  2. Select Test connection. A Connection successful message should appear next to the Test connection button.

Next step