Upgrade SAP Deployment Automation Framework

SAP Deployment Automation Framework is updated regularly. This article describes how to update the framework.


Before you upgrade the framework, make sure that you back up the remote state files from the tfstate storage account in the SAP library.

Upgrade the pipelines

You can upgrade the pipeline definitions by running the Upgrade Pipelines pipeline.

Create the Upgrade Pipelines pipeline manually

If you don't have the Upgrade Pipelines pipeline, you can create it manually.

Go to the pipelines folder in your repository and create the pipeline definition by selecting the file from the New menu. Name the file 21-update-pipelines.yml and paste the following content into the file.

  # /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------8
  # |                                                                            |
  # |               This pipeline updates the ADO repository                     |
  # |                                                                            |
  # +------------------------------------4--------------------------------------*/

  name:                                  Update Azure DevOps repository from GitHub $(branch) branch

    - name:                              repository
      displayName:                       Source repository
      type:                              string
      default:                           https://github.com/Azure/sap-automation-bootstrap.git

    - name:                              branch
      displayName:                       Source branch to update from
      type:                              string
      default:                           main

    - name:                              force
      displayName:                       Force the update
      type:                              boolean
      default:                           false

  trigger:                               none

    vmImage:                             ubuntu-latest

    - name:                              repository
      value:                             ${{ parameters.repository }}
    - name:                              branch
      value:                             ${{ parameters.branch }}
    - name:                              force
      value:                             ${{ parameters.force }}
    - name:                              log
      value:                             logfile_$(Build.BuildId)

    - stage:                             Update_DEVOPS_repository
      displayName:                       Update DevOps pipelines
        - job:                           Update_DEVOPS_repository
          displayName:                   Update DevOps pipelines
            - checkout:                  self
              persistCredentials:        true
            - bash: |
                green="\e[1;32m" ; reset="\e[0m" ; boldred="\e[1;31m"

                git config --global user.email "$(Build.RequestedForEmail)"
                git config --global user.name "$(Build.RequestedFor)"
                git config --global pull.ff false
                git config --global pull.rebase false

                git remote add remote-repo $(repository) >> /tmp/$(log) 2>&1

                git fetch --all --tags >> /tmp/$(log) 2>&1
                git checkout --quiet origin/main

                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/01-deploy-control-plane.yml
                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/02-sap-workload-zone.yml
                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/03-sap-system-deployment.yml
                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/04-sap-software-download.yml
                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/05-DB-and-SAP-installation.yml
                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/10-remover-terraform.yml
                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/11-remover-arm-fallback.yml
                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/12-remove-control-plane.yml
                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/20-update-repositories.yml
                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/22-sample-deployer-configuration.yml
                git checkout --quiet remote-repo/main ./pipelines/21-update-pipelines.yml

                if [[ "$(force)" == "True" ]]; then
                  echo "running git push to ADO with force option"
                  if ! git -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: bearer $(System.AccessToken)" push --force origin HEAD:$(branch) >> /tmp/$(log) 2>&1
                     echo -e "$red--- Failed to push ---$reset"
                     exit 1
                  git commit -m "Update ADO repository from GitHub $(branch) branch" -a
                  echo "running git push to ADO"
                  if ! git -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: bearer $(System.AccessToken)" push origin HEAD:$(branch) >> /tmp/$(log) 2>&1
                     echo -e "$red--- Failed to push ---$reset"
                     exit 1

                # If Pull already failed then keep that error code
                if [ 0 != $return_code ]; then

                exit $return_code

              displayName:               Update DevOps pipelines
                SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN:      $(System.AccessToken)
              failOnStderr:              true

Commit the changes to save the file to the repository and create the pipeline in Azure DevOps.

Create the Upgrade Pipelinespipeline by selecting New Pipeline from the Pipelines section. Select Azure Repos Git as the source for your code. Configure your pipeline to use an existing Azure Pipelines YAML file. Specify the pipeline with the following settings.

Setting Value
Branch Main
Path deploy/pipelines/21-update-pipelines.yml
Name Upgrade pipelines

Save the pipeline. To see the Save option, select the chevron next to Run. Go to the Pipelines section and select the pipeline. Rename the pipeline to Upgrade pipelines by selecting Rename/Move from the ellipsis menu on the right.

Run the pipeline to upgrade all pipeline definitions.

Upgrade the control plane

The control plane is the first component you need to upgrade. To upgrade the control plane, rerun the Deploy Control Plane pipeline or rerun the deploy_controlplane.sh script.

Upgrade to version 3.8.1

Run the following commands before you perform the upgrade of the control plane.

az login

az account set --subscription <subscription id>    

az vm run-command invoke -g <DeployerResourceGroup> -n <deployerVMName> --command-id RunShellScript --scripts "sudo rm /etc/profile.d/deploy_server.sh"
az vm extension delete -g <DeployerResourceGroup> -n <deployerVMName> -n configure_deployer

The script removes the old deployer configuration and allows the new configuration to be applied.

Private DNS considerations

If you're using Private DNS zones from the control plane, run the following command before you perform the upgrade.

az network private-dns zone create --name privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net --resource-group <SAPLibraryResourceGroup>

Agent sign-in

You can also configure the Azure DevOps agent to perform the sign-in to Azure by using the service principal. Add the following variable to the variable group that's used by the control plane pipeline, which is typically SDAF-MGMT.

Name Value
Logon_Using_SPN true

Upgrading Terraform on the agents

You can upgrade Terraform on the agents by running the following script:


# Terraform installation directories

# Install terraform for all users
sudo mkdir -p \
    "${tf_dir}" \
wget -nv -O /tmp/"${tf_zip}" "https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/${tfversion}/${tf_zip}"
sudo unzip -o /tmp/"${tf_zip}" -d "${tf_dir}"
sudo ln -vfs "../$(basename "${tf_dir}")/terraform" "${tf_bin}/terraform"

Upgrading the SAP Automation code base on the deployer

You can upgrade the SAP Automation code base on the deployer virtual machines by running the following script:

cd ~/Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment/sap-automation

git pull

cd ~/Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment/sap-automation-samples

git pull

Upgrade the workload zone

The workload zone is the second component you need to upgrade. To upgrade the control plane, rerun the SAP Workload Zone deployment pipeline or rerun the install_workloadzone.sh script.

Upgrade to version 3.8.1

Prepare for the upgrade by first retrieving the Private DNS zone resource ID and the key vault private endpoint name by running the following commands:

az network private-dns zone show  --name privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net --resource-group <SAPLibraryResourceGroup> --query id --output tsv

az network private-endpoint list  --resource-group <WorkloadZoneResourceGroup> --query "[?contains(name,'keyvault')].{Name:name} | [0] | Name" --output tsv

If you're using private endpoints, run the following command before you perform the upgrade to update the DNS settings for the private endpoint. Replace the privateDNSzoneResourceId and keyvaultEndpointName placeholders with the values retrieved in the previous step.

az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group create --resource-group <WorkloadZoneResourceGroup> --endpoint-name <keyvaultEndpointName> --name privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net --private-dns-zone <privateDNSzoneResourceId>  --zone-name privatelink.vaultcore.azure.net

Agent sign-in for workload zone and system deployments

You can also configure the Azure DevOps agent to perform the sign-in to Azure by using the service principal. Add the following variable to the variable group that's used by the control plane pipeline, which is typically SDAF-DEV.

Name Value
Logon_Using_SPN true

Next step