GreyNoise Threat Intelligence (using Azure Functions) connector for Microsoft Sentinel

This Data Connector installs an Azure Function app to download GreyNoise indicators once per day and inserts them into the ThreatIntelligenceIndicator table in Microsoft Sentinel.

Connector attributes

Connector attribute Description
Log Analytics table(s) ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
Data collection rules support Not currently supported
Supported by GreyNoise

Query samples

All Threat Intelligence APIs Indicators

| where SourceSystem == 'GreyNoise'
| sort by TimeGenerated desc


To integrate with GreyNoise Threat Intelligence (using Azure Functions) make sure you have:

Vendor installation instructions

You can connect GreyNoise Threat Intelligence to Microsoft Sentinel by following the below steps:

The following steps create an Azure AAD application, retrieves a GreyNoise API key, and saves the values in an Azure Function App Configuration.

  1. Retrieve API Key from GreyNoise Portal.

    Generate an API key from GreyNoise Portal

  2. In your Azure AD tenant, create an Azure Active Directory (AAD) application and acquire Tenant ID, Client ID and (note: hold off generating a Client Secret until Step 5).Also get the Log Analytics Workspace ID associated with your Microsoft Sentinel instance should be below.

    Follow the instructions here to create your Azure AAD app and save your Client ID and Tenant ID: Connect your threat intelligence platform to Microsoft Sentinel with the upload indicators API NOTE: Wait until step 5 to generate your client secret.

  3. Assign the AAD application the Microsoft Sentinel Contributor Role.

    Follow the instructions here to add the Microsoft Sentinel Contributor Role: Connect your threat intelligence platform to Microsoft Sentinel with the upload indicators API

  4. Specify the AAD permissions to enable MS Graph API access to the upload-indicators API.

    Follow this section here to add 'ThreatIndicators.ReadWrite.OwnedBy' permission to the AAD App: Connect your threat intelligence platform to Microsoft Sentinel. Back in your AAD App, ensure you grant admin consent for the permissions you just added. Finally, in the 'Tokens and APIs' section, generate a client secret and save it. You will need it in Step 6.

  5. Deploy the Threat Intellegence (Preview) Solution which includes the Threat Intelligence Upload Indicators API (Preview)

    See Microsoft Sentinel Content Hub for this Solution, and install it this Microsoft Sentinel instance.

  6. Deploy the Azure Function

    Click the Deploy to Azure button.

    Deploy To Azure

    Fill in the appropriate values for each parameter. Be aware that the only valid values for the GREYNOISE_CLASSIFICATIONS parameter are malicious and/or unknown, which must be comma separated. Do not bring in benign, as this will bring in millions of IPs which are known good and will likely cause many unwanted alerts.

  7. Send indicators to Sentinel

    The function app installed in Step 6 queries the GreyNoise GNQL API once per day, and submits each indicator found in STIX 2.1 format to the Microsoft Upload Threat Intelligence Indicators API.

    Each indicator expires in ~24 hours from creation unless it's found on the next day's query, in which case the TI Indicator's Valid Until time is extended for another 24 hours, which keeps it active in Microsoft Sentinel.

For more information on the GreyNoise API and the GreyNoise Query Language (GNQL) click here.

Next steps

For more information, go to the related solution in the Azure Marketplace.