Configured replication tasks

Azure Functions allows for creating configuration-only replication tasks that lean on a pre-built entry point. The configuration-based replication samples for Azure Functions illustrate how to leverage pre-built helpers in your own code or avoid handling code altogether and just use configuration.

Create a replication task

To create such a replication task, first create a new folder underneath the project folder. The name of the new folder is the name of the function, for instance europeToAsia or telemetry. The name has no direct correlation with the messaging entities being used and serves only for you to identify them. You can create dozens of functions in the same project.

Next, create a function.json file in the folder. The file configures the function. Start with the following content:

    "configurationSource": "config",
    "bindings" : [
            "direction": "in",
            "name": "input" 
            "direction": "out",
            "name": "output"
    "retry": {
        "strategy": "exponentialBackoff",
        "maxRetryCount": -1,
        "minimumInterval": "00:00:05",
        "maximumInterval": "00:05:00"
    "disabled": false,
    "scriptFile": "../bin/Azure.Messaging.Replication.dll",
    "entryPoint": "Azure.Messaging.Replication.*"

In that file, you need to complete three configuration steps that depend on which entities you want to connect:

  1. Configure the input direction
  2. Configure the output direction
  3. Configure the entry point

Configure the input direction

Event Hub input

If you want to receive events from an Event Hub, add configuration information to the top section within "bindings" that sets

  • type - the "eventHubTrigger" type.
  • connection - the name of the app settings value for the Event Hub connection string.
  • eventHubName - the name of the Event Hub within the namespace identified by the connection string.
  • consumerGroup - the name of the consumer group. Mind that the name is enclosed in percent signs and therefore also refers to an app settings value.
    "bindings" : [
            "direction": "in",
            "type": "eventHubTrigger",
            "connection": "functionname-source-connection",
            "eventHubName": "eventHubA",
            "consumerGroup" : "%functionname-source-consumergroup%",
            "name": "input" 

Service Bus Queue input

If you want to receive events from a Service Bus queue, add configuration information to the top section within "bindings" that sets

  • type - the "serviceBusTrigger" type.
  • connection - the name of the app settings value for the Service Bus connection string.
  • queueName - the name of the Service Bus Queue within the namespace identified by the connection string.
    "bindings" : [
            "direction": "in",
            "type": "serviceBusTrigger",
            "connection": "functionname-source-connection",
            "queueName": "queue-a",
            "name": "input" 

Service Bus Topic input

If you want to receive events from a Service Bus topic, add configuration information to the top section within "bindings" that sets

  • type - the "serviceBusTrigger" type.
  • connection - the name of the app settings value for the Service Bus connection string. This value must be {FunctionName}-source-connection if you want to use the provided scripts.
  • topicName - the name of the Service Bus Topic within the namespace identified by the connection string.
  • subscriptionName - the name of the Service Bus Subscription on the given topic within the namespace identified by the connection string.
    "bindings" : [
            "direction": "in",
            "type": "serviceBusTrigger",
            "connection": "functionname-source-connection",
            "topicName": "topic-x",
            "subscriptionName" : "sub-y",
            "name": "input" 

Configure the output direction

Event Hub output

If you want to forward events to an Event Hub, add configuration information to the bottom section within "bindings" that sets

  • type - the "eventHub" type.
  • connection - the name of the app settings value for the Event Hub connection string.
  • eventHubName - the name of the Event Hub within the namespace identified by the connection string.
    "bindings" : [
            "direction": "out",
            "type": "eventHub",
            "connection": "functionname-target-connection",
            "eventHubName": "eventHubB",
            "name": "output" 

Service Bus Queue output

If you want to forward events to a Service Bus Queue, add configuration information to the bottom section within "bindings" that sets

  • type - the "serviceBus" type.
  • connection - the name of the app settings value for the Service Bus connection string.
  • queueName - the name of the Service Bus queue within the namespace identified by the connection string.
    "bindings" : [
            "direction": "out",
            "type": "serviceBus",
            "connection": "functionname-target-connection",
            "queueName": "queue-b",
            "name": "output" 

Service Bus Topic output

If you want to forward events to a Service Bus Topic, add configuration information to the bottom section within "bindings" that sets

  • type - the "serviceBus" type.
  • connection - the name of the app settings value for the Service Bus connection string.
  • topicName - the name of the Service Bus topic within the namespace identified by the connection string.
    "bindings" : [
            "direction": "out",
            "type": "serviceBus",
            "connection": "functionname-target-connection",
            "topicName": "topic-b",
            "name": "output" 

Configure the entry point

The entry point configuration picks one of the standard replication tasks. If you are modifying the Azure.Messaging.Replication project, you can also add tasks and refer to them here. For instance:

    "scriptFile": "../dotnet/bin/Azure.Messaging.Replication.dll",
    "entryPoint": "Azure.Messaging.Replication.EventHubReplicationTasks.ForwardToEventHub"

The following table gives you the correct values for combinations of sources and targets:

Source Target Entry Point
Event Hub Event Hub Azure.Messaging.Replication.EventHubReplicationTasks.ForwardToEventHub
Event Hub Service Bus Azure.Messaging.Replication.EventHubReplicationTasks.ForwardToServiceBus
Service Bus Event Hub Azure.Messaging.Replication.ServiceBusReplicationTasks.ForwardToEventHub
Service Bus Service Bus Azure.Messaging.Replication.ServiceBusReplicationTasks.ForwardToServiceBus

Retry policy

Refer to the Azure Functions documentation on retries to configure the retry policy for Event Hubs. The policy settings chosen throughout the projects in this repository configure an exponential backoff strategy with retry intervals from 5 seconds to 5 minutes with infinite retries to avoid data loss.

The generally available (GA) version of retry policies for Azure Functions only supports Event Hubs and Timer triggers. The preview support for Service Bus trigger has been removed.

Build, deploy, and configure

While you are focusing on configuration, the tasks still require building a deployable application and to configure the Azure Functions hosts such that it has all the required information to connect to the given endpoints.

This is illustrated, together with reusable scripts, in the configuration-based replication samples for Azure Functions.

Next Steps