Develop Java Service Fabric applications with Visual Studio Code

The Service Fabric Reliable Services extension for VS Code makes it easy to build Java Service Fabric applications on Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems.

This article shows you how to build, deploy, and debug a Java Service Fabric application using Visual Studio Code.


Service Fabric Java applications can be developed on Windows machines, but can be deployed onto Azure Linux clusters only. Debugging Java applications is not supported on Windows.


This article assumes that you have already installed VS Code, the Service Fabric Reliable Services extension for VS Code, and any dependencies required for your development environment. To learn more, see Getting Started.

Download the sample

This article uses the Voting application in the Service Fabric Java application quickstart sample GitHub repository.

To clone the repository to your development machine, run the following command from a terminal window (command window on Windows):

git clone

Open the application in VS Code

Open VS Code. Click the Explorer icon in the Activity Bar and click Open Folder, or click File -> Open Folder. Navigate to the ./service-fabric-java-quickstart/Voting directory in the folder where you cloned the repository then click OK. The workspace should contain the same files shown in the screenshot below.

Java Voting Application in Workspace

Build the application

  1. Press (Ctrl + Shift + p) to open the Command Palette in VS Code.

  2. Search for and select the Service Fabric: Build Application command. The build output is sent to the integrated terminal.

    Build Application Command in VS Code

Deploy the application to the local cluster

After you have built the application, you can deploy it to the local cluster.


Deploying Java applications to the local cluster is not supported on Windows machines.

  1. From the Command Palette, select the Service Fabric: Deploy Application (Localhost) command. The output of the install process is sent to the integrated terminal.

    Deploy Application Command in VS Code

  2. When the deployment is complete, launch a browser and open Service Fabric Explorer: http://localhost:19080/Explorer. You should see that the application is running. This may take some time, so be patient.

    Voting Application in Service Fabric Explorer

  3. After you've verified that the application is running, launch a browser and open this page: http://localhost:8080. This is the web front-end of the application. You can add items and click on them to vote.

    Voting Application in Browser

  4. To remove the application from the cluster, select the Service Fabric: Remove Application command from the Command Palette. The output of the uninstall process is sent to the integrated terminal. You can use Service Fabric Explorer to verify that the application has been removed from the local cluster.

Debug the application

When debugging applications in VS Code, the application must be running on a local cluster. Breakpoints can then be added to the code.


Debugging Java applications is not supported on Windows machines.

To prepare the VotingDataService and the Voting application for debugging, complete the following steps:

  1. Update the Voting/VotingApplication/VotingDataServicePkg/Code/ file. Comment out the command on line 6 (use '#') and add the following command to the bottom of the file:

    java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8001,server=y,suspend=n -Djava.library.path=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH -jar VotingDataService.jar
  2. Update the Voting/VotingApplication/ApplicationManifest.xml file. Set the MinReplicaSetSize and the TargetReplicaSetSize attributes to "1" in the StatefulService element:

          <StatefulService MinReplicaSetSize="1" ServiceTypeName="VotingDataServiceType" TargetReplicaSetSize="1">
  3. Click the Debug icon in the Activity Bar to open the debugger view in VS Code. Click the gear icon at the top of the debugger view and select Java from the dropdown environment menu. The launch.json file opens.

    Debug Icon in VS Code Workspace

  4. In the launch.json file, set the port value in the configuration named Debug (Attach) to 8001. Save the file.

    Debug Configuration for the launch.json

  5. Deploy the application to the local cluster by using the Service Fabric: Deploy Application (Localhost) command. Verify that the application is running in Service Fabric Explorer. Your application is now ready to be debugged.

To set a breakpoint, complete the following steps:

  1. In Explorer, open the /Voting/VotingDataService/src/statefulservice/ file. Set a breakpoint on first line of code in the try block in the addItem method (line 80).

    Set breakpoint in Voting Data Service


    Make sure you set breakpoints on executable lines of code. For example breakpoints set on method declarations, try statements, or catch statements will be missed by the debugger.

  2. To begin debugging, click the Debug icon in the Activity Bar, select the Debug (Attach) configuration from the debug menu, and click the run button (green arrow).

    Debug (Attach) Configuration

  3. In a web browser, go to http://localhost:8080. Type a new item in the text box and click + Add. Your breakpoint should be hit. You can use the Debug toolbar at the top of VS Code to continue execution, step over lines, step into methods, or step out of the current method.

    Hit breakpoint

  4. To end the debugging session, click the plug icon on the Debug toolbar at the top of VS Code.

    Disconnect from debugger

  5. When you've finished debugging, you can use the Service Fabric: Remove Application command to remove the Voting application from your local cluster.

Next steps