Azure Resource Graph sample queries for Azure Storage

This page is a collection of Azure Resource Graph sample queries for Azure Storage. For a complete list of Azure Resource Graph samples, see Resource Graph samples by Category and Resource Graph samples by Table.

Sample queries

Find storage accounts with a specific case-insensitive tag on the resource group

Similar to the 'Find storage accounts with a specific case-sensitive tag on the resource group' query, but when it's necessary to look for a case insensitive tag name and tag value, use mv-expand with the bagexpansion parameter. This query uses more quota than the original query, so use mv-expand only if necessary.

| where type =~ ''
| join kind=inner (
	| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups'
	| mv-expand bagexpansion=array tags
	| where isnotempty(tags)
	| where tags[0] =~ 'key1' and tags[1] =~ 'value1'
	| project subscriptionId, resourceGroup)
on subscriptionId, resourceGroup
| project-away subscriptionId1, resourceGroup1
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ '' | join kind=inner ( ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups' | mv-expand bagexpansion=array tags | where isnotempty(tags) | where tags[0] =~ 'key1' and tags[1] =~ 'value1' | project subscriptionId, resourceGroup) on subscriptionId, resourceGroup | project-away subscriptionId1, resourceGroup1"

Find storage accounts with a specific case-sensitive tag on the resource group

The following query uses an inner join to connect storage accounts with resource groups that have a specified case-sensitive tag name and tag value.

| where type =~ ''
| join kind=inner (
	| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups'
	| where tags['Key1'] =~ 'Value1'
	| project subscriptionId, resourceGroup)
on subscriptionId, resourceGroup
| project-away subscriptionId1, resourceGroup1
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ '' | join kind=inner ( ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups' | where tags['Key1'] =~ 'Value1' | project subscriptionId, resourceGroup) on subscriptionId, resourceGroup | project-away subscriptionId1, resourceGroup1"

List all storage accounts with specific tag value

Combine the filter functionality of the previous example and filter Azure resource type by type property. This query also limits our search for specific types of Azure resources with a specific tag name and value.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts'
| where tags['tag with a space']=='Custom value'
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts' | where tags['tag with a space']=='Custom value'"

Show resources that contain storage

Instead of explicitly defining the type to match, this example query will find any Azure resource that contains the word storage.

| where type contains 'storage' | distinct type
az graph query -q "Resources | where type contains 'storage' | distinct type"

Next steps