Troubleshoot custom image templates in Azure Virtual Desktop

Custom image templates in Azure Virtual Desktop enable you to easily create a custom image that you can use when deploying session host virtual machines (VMs). This article helps troubleshoot some issues you could run into.

General troubleshooting when creating an image

Azure Image Builder uses Hashicorp Packer to create images. Packer outputs all log entries to a file called customization.log. By default this file is located in a resource group that Azure Image Builder created automatically with the naming convention IT_<ResourceGroupName>_<TemplateName>_<GUID>. You can override this naming by specifying your own name in the template creation phase.

In this resource group is a storage account with a blob container called packerlogs. In the container is a folder named with a GUID in which you'll find the log file. Entries for built-in scripts you use to customize your image begin Starting AVD AIB Customization: {Script name}: {Timestamp}, to help you locate any errors related to the scripts.

To learn how to interpret Azure Image Builder logs, see Troubleshoot Azure VM Image Builder.


Microsoft Support doesn't handle issues for any customer created scripts, or any scripts or templates copied from a Microsoft repository and modified. You are welcome to collaborate and improve these tools in our GitHub repository, where you can open an issue. For more information, see Why do we not support customer or third party scripts?

Resource group must be empty

If you specify your own resource group for Azure Image Builder to use, then it needs to be empty before the image build starts. This means that if you want to reuse an existing resource group for this purpose you'll just need to delete all the resources within it. Alternatively, if you need to keep these items you can specify another new resource group on the build properties tab of the template creation.

Script is unavailable

If you see the message Resource <URI> is unavailable. Please check the file exists, and that Image Builder can access it, check the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for your script. This needs to be a publicly available location, such as GitHub or a web service.

If you see the message Validation failed: Error with Hyper-V Version validation (cross-generation for multiple Hyper-V Versions is not supported). The provided SIG: <Resource ID> has a different Hyper-V Generation <version> than source image <version>, make sure that the generation of your source image is the same as the generation you specified for your Azure Compute Gallery VM image definition.

The generation for the source image is shown when you select the image you want to use. You can check the generation of the VM image definition in the Azure portal, Azure CLI using the az sig image-definition list reference command, or PowerShell using the Get-AzGalleryImageDefinition cmdlet.

PrivateLinkService Network Policy is not disabled for the given subnet

If you receive the error message starting PrivateLinkService Network Policy is not disabled for the given subnet, you need to disable the private service policy on the subnet. For more information, see Disable private service policy on the subnet.

Removing the Microsoft Store app

Removing or uninstalling the Microsoft Store app is not supported. Learn how to Configure access to the Microsoft Store.

Issues installing or enabling additional languages on Windows 10 images

Additional languages can be added by custom image templates, which uses the Install-Language PowerShell cmdlet. If you have issues installing or enabling additional languages on Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session images, ensure that:

  • You haven't disabled installing language packs by group policy on your image. The policy setting can be found at the following locations:

    • Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Restrict Language Pack and Language Feature Installation

    • User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Restrict Language Pack and Language Feature Installation

  • Your session hosts can connect to Windows Update to download languages and latest cumulative updates.

Is Trusted Launch or are Confidential VMs supported?

As custom image templates is based on Azure Image Builder, support for Trusted Launch or Confidential VMs is inherited. For more information, see Confidential VM and Trusted Launch support.