Create a virtual network with encryption using the Azure CLI

Azure Virtual Network encryption is a feature of Azure Virtual Network. Virtual network encryption allows you to seamlessly encrypt and decrypt internal network traffic over the wire, with minimal effect to performance and scale. Azure Virtual Network encryption protects data traversing your virtual network virtual machine to virtual machine and virtual machine to on-premises.


  • The how-to article requires version 2.31.0 or later of the Azure CLI. If using Azure Cloud Shell, the latest version is already installed.

Create a resource group

An Azure resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed.

Create a resource group with az group create named test-rg in the eastus2 location.

  az group create \
    --name test-rg \
    --location eastus2

Create a virtual network

In this section, you create a virtual network and enable virtual network encryption.

Use az network vnet create to create a virtual network.

  az network vnet create \
    --resource-group test-rg \
    --location eastus2 \
    --name vnet-1 \
    --enable-encryption true \
    --encryption-enforcement-policy allowUnencrypted \
    --address-prefixes \
    --subnet-name subnet-1 \

Enable on existing virtual network

You can also enable encryption on an existing virtual network using az network vnet update.

  az network vnet update \
    --resource-group test-rg \
    --name vnet-1 \
    --enable-encryption true \
    --encryption-enforcement-policy allowUnencrypted


Azure Virtual Network encryption requires supported virtual machine SKUs in the virtual network for traffic to be encrypted. For more information, see Azure Virtual Network encryption requirements.

Verify encryption enabled

You can check the encryption parameter in the virtual network to verify that encryption is enabled on the virtual network.

Use az network vnet show to view the encryption parameter for the virtual network you created previously.

  az network vnet show \
    --resource-group test-rg \
    --name vnet-1 \
    --query encryption \
    --output tsv
user@Azure:~$ az network vnet show \
    --resource-group test-rg \
    --name vnet-1 \
    --query encryption \
    --output tsv
True   AllowUnencrypted

Clean up resources

When you're done with the virtual network, use az group delete to remove the resource group and all its resources.

az group delete \
    --name test-rg \

Next steps