DataBinningLayer Class

The DataBinningLayer class which makes it easy to create data bins from arrays of pushpins. The generated data bins extend from the polygon class and support all polygon options and events.


DataBinningLayer(pushpins?: Pushpin[], options?: DataBinningOptions


Name Return Type Description
clear() Removes all the data in the layer.
dispose() Cleans up any resources this object is consuming.
getOptions() DataBinningOptions Retrieves the options used by the data binning layer.
getPushpins() Pushpin[] Retrieves all the pushpins that have been passed into the data binning layer.
getPrimitives() DataBinPolygon[] Returns an array containing all the data bin polygons.
getVisible() boolean Gets a value indicating whether the layer is visible or not.
getZIndex() number Gets the zIndex of the layer.
setOptions(options: DataBinningOptions) Sets the options used for calculating and rendering the data bins.
setPushpins(pushpins: Pushpin[]) Sets the array of pushpins that are used to generate the data bins.
setVisible(value: boolean) Sets whether the layer is visible or not.
setZIndex(zIndex: number) Sets the zIndex of the layer. See zIndexing in Bing Maps V8.


The DataBinningLayer extends from the Layer class and allows supports all the same events.

Name Arguments Description
click MouseEventArgs Occurs when the mouse is used to click the map or when a touch end event occurs on a data bin in the layer.
dblclick MouseEventArgs Occurs when the mouse is used to double click the map or when a touch end event occurs on a data bin in the layer.
mousedown MouseEventArgs Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed or a touch start event occurs on a data bin in the layer.
mouseover MouseEventArgs Occurs when the mouse cursor moves over top of the area covered by a data bin in the layer.
mouseout MouseEventArgs Occurs when the mouse cursor moves out of the area covered by a data bin in the layer.
mouseup MouseEventArgs Occurs when the left mouse button is lifted up or when the touch end event occurs on a data bin in the layer.
rightclick MouseEventArgs Occurs when the right mouse button is used to click the map or when a long touch press occurs on a data bin in the layer.