RootNode TypeName (Node Property of All Schemas)


Use the RootNode TypeName property to specify an alternative name (other than the value of the Node Name property of the root node) to use when generating the .NET class name for the selected root Record or Field Element node.

Applies to Nodes of Type

Record, Field Element

(Root nodes only.)



Allowed Values

Valid C# class names, which excludes C# reserved words.

Default Value

The value of the Node Name property of the selected root node.

XSD Persistence

As the value of the rootTypeName attribute of the element/annotation/appinfo/recordInfo element that corresponds to a root Record node.

Or as the value of the rootTypeName attribute of the element/annotation/appinfo/fieldInfo element that corresponds to a root Field Element node.


You can examine and set this property in the Visual Studio Properties window when you select a top-level (root) Record or Field Element node in BizTalk Editor.

Because the period (.) character has a special meaning in C#, avoid using it in values for this property.

Unless the Root Reference property of the Schema node is set, every top-level Record and Field Element root node in the schema gets compiled into a .NET class in the BizTalk assembly for the project using the values of the Node Name properties of those root nodes as the C# class names. The set of valid Node Name property values is larger than the set of valid C# class names, due to reserved words in C# and so on. There may be occasions where it is not reasonable to change the Node Name property value to accommodate this requirement of the compilation process, such as when a Node Name property value and the resulting instance message element name have already been agreed upon with a trading partner. The RootNode TypeName property provides a way to provide a different name for the C# class name associated with a particular root node. By default, the RootNode TypeName property is set to the value of the Node Name property. If you encounter a compilation problem related to the C# class name not being valid, you can change the value of the RootNode TypeName property to change the name of the generated C# class without disrupting the Node Name property value and the corresponding element name in instance messages.

See Also

Node Properties of All Schemas