Talent pools


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Recruiters can organize and maintain their list of candidates and prospects in talent pools. Talent pools can be private or shared among recruiters.

In addition to sourcing new prospects, recruiters look at previous applicants who might be a good fit. Recruiters can use talent pools to track previous applicants and re-engage them when relevant opportunities become available.

Among the benefits of this feature:

  • Recruiters can create talent pools and organize them to fit their recruiting process.
  • Candidates can be imported directly into those talent pools or moved from jobs where they have applied.
  • Search and filter make it easy to find the right candidates from your talent pools.
  • When viewing a candidate profile, it’s easy to see their past application history.
  • The right candidates can be easily added as prospects to your open positions.
  • You can manage your silver medalists for a job by pushing them directly into a Talent pool from a job as well.