How to Import a MOF File to Extend Inventory

You import a MOF file to extend inventory, in Configuration Manager, by using the ImportInventoryReport method.

To import MOF file to extend hardware inventory

  1. Connect to the site server namespace (root\sms\site_<site code>).

  2. Get the SMS_InventoryReport class.

  3. Invoke the ImportInventoryReport method, passing in the InventoryReportID, ImportType, and MofBuffer parameters.


The following example imports a MOF file to extend inventory using the ImportInventoryReport method.

public class ImportInventory{            public const string HardwareInventoryReportID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}";    static void Main(string[] args)    {        if (args != null && args.Length >= 2)        {            string fileName = args[0];            string siteCode = args[1];            ImportInventoryReport(siteCode, fileName);        }        else        {            Console.WriteLine("Usage: InventoryImportExample <MofFileName> <site code>");        }        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");        Console.ReadLine();    }    public static void ImportInventoryReport(string siteCode, string fileName,         string inventoryReportID = HardwareInventoryReportID,         InventoryImportType importOption = InventoryImportType.BothClassAndReport)    {        if (File.Exists(fileName)==false)        {            throw new FileNotFoundException("MOF file not found", fileName);        }        string mofToImport = File.ReadAllText(fileName);        // Get the SMS_InventoryReport class.        try        {            string scope = string.Format(@"root\sms\site_{0}",siteCode);            ManagementClass cls = new ManagementClass(scope, "SMS_InventoryReport", null);            ManagementBaseObject inParams = cls.GetMethodParameters("ImportInventoryReport");            inParams["InventoryReportID"] = inventoryReportID;            inParams["ImportType"] = (uint)importOption;            inParams["MofBuffer"] = mofToImport;            ManagementBaseObject retVal = cls.InvokeMethod("ImportInventoryReport", inParams, null);            // Get current site code.            uint resultCode = (uint)retVal["StatusCode"];            if (resultCode == 0)            {                Console.WriteLine("ImportInventoryReport for file {0} succeed ", fileName);            }            else            {                Console.WriteLine("ImportInventoryReport for file {0} failed with error code:{1} ", fileName,resultCode);            }        }        catch (ManagementException e)        {            Console.WriteLine("Failed to execute method ImportInventoryReport for file {0}: {1}", fileName, e.ToString());        }    }    public enum InventoryImportType    {        ClassOnly = 1,         ReportOnly = 2,         BothClassAndReport = 3    }}  

An example MOF file.================================[ SMS_Report (TRUE),  SMS_Group_Name ("User Account"),  SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|USER_ACCOUNT|1.0"),  Namespace ("root\\\\cimv2") ]class Win32_UserAccount : SMS_Class_Template{    [ SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]    String     Domain;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]    String     Name;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    UInt32     AccountType;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    String     Caption;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    String     Description;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    Boolean     Disabled;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    String     FullName;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    DateTime     InstallDate;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    Boolean     LocalAccount;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    Boolean     Lockout;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    Boolean     PasswordChangeable;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    Boolean     PasswordExpires;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    Boolean     PasswordRequired;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    String     SID;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    UInt8     SIDType;    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]    String     Status;};  

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
siteCode - Managed: String The site code.
fileName - Managed: String The name of the MOF file to import.
inventoryReportID - Managed: String Inventory report identifier.
importOption - Managed: String Import type. Possible values are:

- 1 – Class Only
- 2 – Report Only
- 3 – Both Class and Report
mofToImport - Managed: String The MOF content that contains the inventory class or report to import. This is the same format as the Configuration Manager 2007 sms_def.mof file, or the file format that you export from inventory client settings.

Compiling the Code

This C# example requires:



Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.

.NET Framework Security

For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Configuration Manager role-based administration.

See Also

Configuration Manager Software Development Kit
About Configuration Manager Inventory