What is a virtual network (VNet) data gateway?

The virtual network (VNet) data gateway helps you to connect from Microsoft Cloud services to your Azure data services within a VNet without the need of an on-premises data gateway. The VNet data gateway securely communicates with the data source, executes queries, and transmits results back to the service.

VNet overview.


  • Currently, this feature is available only for Fabric Dataflow Gen2, Power BI semantic models, Power Platform dataflows, and Power BI paginated reports. Power BI dataflows and datamarts are not supported.

  • VNet data gateway is currently only available for P and F SKUs, and not available for EM and A SKUs.

  • This feature is currently not supported in GCC L2. We do support GCC L4 (Texas and Virginia) and L5 (DoD East). We support air gapped clouds in US Nat East/West and US Sec East/West.

  • You can't change the region, subscription, or resource group for the VNet on which the VNet data gateway was created. This scenario isn't currently supported.

  • Power BI semantic models:

  • Power Platform dataflows:

    • For Power Platform dataflows, this feature currently doesn't support the ability to write to a privatized data lake or Dataverse.
    • A list of supported data sources for Power Platform dataflows is available in Supported data sources.
    • The physical VNet data gateway is injected into your virtual network and subnet, so it operates in the same region as the virtual network.
    • The VNet data gateway can be accessed through the application only from the home region of your tenant. There's currently no option to change the VNet data gateway region.
    • VNet data gateways currently support only admin roles and not "Can Use and Can Use+Share" for Power Platform dataflows.
  • Power BI paginated reports: