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ChatCompletions Class


Representation of the response data from a chat completions request. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data.

public class ChatCompletions : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel<Azure.AI.OpenAI.ChatCompletions>, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel<Azure.AI.OpenAI.ChatCompletions>
type ChatCompletions = class
    interface IJsonModel<ChatCompletions>
    interface IPersistableModel<ChatCompletions>
Public Class ChatCompletions
Implements IJsonModel(Of ChatCompletions), IPersistableModel(Of ChatCompletions)


Chat completions can contain one or more chat choices, each holding a message with string content and an associated role. When requesting more than one completion, a corresponding number of additional choices will appear in the chat completions result.



The collection of completions choices associated with this completions response. Generally, n choices are generated per provided prompt with a default value of 1. Token limits and other settings may limit the number of choices generated.


The first timestamp associated with generation activity for this completions response, represented as seconds since the beginning of the Unix epoch of 00:00 on 1 Jan 1970.


A unique identifier associated with this chat completions response.


The model name used for this completions request.


Content filtering results for zero or more prompts in the request. In a streaming request, results for different prompts may arrive at different times or in different orders.


Can be used in conjunction with the seed request parameter to understand when backend changes have been made that might impact determinism.


Usage information for tokens processed and generated as part of this completions operation.

Explicit Interface Implementations

IJsonModel<ChatCompletions>.Create(Utf8JsonReader, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Reads one JSON value (including objects or arrays) from the provided reader and converts it to a model.

IJsonModel<ChatCompletions>.Write(Utf8JsonWriter, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Writes the model to the provided Utf8JsonWriter.

IPersistableModel<ChatCompletions>.Create(BinaryData, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Converts the provided BinaryData into a model.


Gets the data interchange format (JSON, Xml, etc) that the model uses when communicating with the service.


Writes the model into a BinaryData.

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