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ImageGenerationData Class


A representation of a single generated image, provided as either base64-encoded data or as a URL from which the image may be retrieved.

public class ImageGenerationData : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel<Azure.AI.OpenAI.ImageGenerationData>, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel<Azure.AI.OpenAI.ImageGenerationData>
type ImageGenerationData = class
    interface IJsonModel<ImageGenerationData>
    interface IPersistableModel<ImageGenerationData>
Public Class ImageGenerationData
Implements IJsonModel(Of ImageGenerationData), IPersistableModel(Of ImageGenerationData)



The complete data for an image, represented as a base64-encoded string.


Information about the content filtering results.


Information about the content filtering category (hate, sexual, violence, self_harm), if it has been detected, as well as the severity level (very_low, low, medium, high-scale that determines the intensity and risk level of harmful content) and if it has been filtered or not. Information about jailbreak content and profanity, if it has been detected, and if it has been filtered or not. And information about customer block list, if it has been filtered and its id.


The final prompt used by the model to generate the image. Only provided with dall-3-models and only when revisions were made to the prompt.


The URL that provides temporary access to download the generated image.

Explicit Interface Implementations

IJsonModel<ImageGenerationData>.Create(Utf8JsonReader, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Reads one JSON value (including objects or arrays) from the provided reader and converts it to a model.

IJsonModel<ImageGenerationData>.Write(Utf8JsonWriter, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Writes the model to the provided Utf8JsonWriter.

IPersistableModel<ImageGenerationData>.Create(BinaryData, ModelReaderWriterOptions)

Converts the provided BinaryData into a model.


Gets the data interchange format (JSON, Xml, etc) that the model uses when communicating with the service.


Writes the model into a BinaryData.

Applies to