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ObservableGroupedCollectionExtensions Class


The extensions methods to simplify the usage of ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>.

public static class ObservableGroupedCollectionExtensions
type ObservableGroupedCollectionExtensions = class
Public Module ObservableGroupedCollectionExtensions


AddGroup<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey, IEnumerable<TValue>)

Adds a key-collection ObservableGroup<TKey,TValue> item into a target ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>.

AddGroup<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey, TValue)

Adds a key-value ObservableGroup<TKey,TValue> item into a target ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>.

AddGroup<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey, TValue[])

Adds a key-collection ObservableGroup<TKey,TValue> item into a target ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>.

AddItem<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey, TValue)

Add item into the first group with key key. If the group does not exist, it will be added.

ElementAt<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey, Int32)

Return the element at position index from the first group with key key.

ElementAtOrDefault<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey, Int32)

Return the element at position index from the first group with key key.

First<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey)

Return the first group with key key.

FirstOrDefault<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey)

Return the first group with key key or null if not found.

InsertItem<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey, Int32, TValue)

Insert item into the first group with key key at index.

RemoveGroup<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey)

Remove the first occurrence of the group with key from the source grouped collection. It will not do anything if the group does not exist.

RemoveItem<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey, TValue, Boolean)

Remove the first item from the first group with key from the source grouped collection. It will not do anything if the group or the item does not exist.

RemoveItemAt<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey, Int32, Boolean)

Remove the item at index from the first group with key from the source grouped collection. It will not do anything if the group or the item does not exist.

SetItem<TKey,TValue>(ObservableGroupedCollection<TKey,TValue>, TKey, Int32, TValue)

Replace the element at index with item in the first group with key key.

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