Mcp33xx Class


MCP33XX family of Analog to Digital Converters

public abstract class Mcp33xx : Iot.Device.Adc.Mcp3xxx
type Mcp33xx = class
    inherit Mcp3xxx
Public MustInherit Class Mcp33xx
Inherits Mcp3xxx


Mcp33xx(SpiDevice, Byte, Byte)

Constructs Mcp33xx instance



the number of single ended input channel on the ADC

(Inherited from Mcp3xxx)


CheckChannelPairing(Int32, Int32)

Checks that the channel is in range of the available input channels and that both channels are part of a valid pairing of input channels.

(Inherited from Mcp3xxx)
CheckChannelRange(Int32, Int32)

Checks that the channel is in range of the available channels channels and throws an exception if not.

(Inherited from Mcp3xxx)

Disposes Mcp3Base instances

(Inherited from Mcp3Base)

Reads a value from the device

(Inherited from Mcp3xxx)
ReadDifferential(Int32, Int32)

Reads a 13 bit signed value from the device using differential inputs

ReadInternal(Int32, Int32, Int32)

Reads a value from the device

(Inherited from Mcp3Base)
ReadInternal(Int32, Mcp3Base+InputType, Int32)

Reads a value from the device

(Inherited from Mcp3xxx)
ReadPseudoDifferential(Int32, Int32)

Reads a value from the device using pseudo-differential inputs

SignExtend(Int32, Int32)

Convert a signed value with a sign bit at a particular location to an int.

Applies to