LcdCharacterEncodingFactory Class


Factory for creating Encodings that support different cultures on different LCD Displays.

public class LcdCharacterEncodingFactory
type LcdCharacterEncodingFactory = class
Public Class LcdCharacterEncodingFactory





Convert a 5 bytes array with 8 bits vertically encoded character representation into a 8 bytes array with the lower 5 bits.


Convert a 8 bytes array with 5 lower bit character representation into a 5 bytes array with all bit character representation vertically ordered.

Create(CultureInfo, String, Char, Int32)

Creates the character mapping optimized for the given culture. Checks whether the characters required for a given culture are available in the installed character map and tries to add them as user-defined characters, if possible.

CreateCustomCharacter(Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte, Byte)

Combines a set of bytes into a pixel map

CreateLetter(Char, String)

Creates the given letter for the given ROM type. Overwrite this only if an alternate ROM is used.


Creates the given letter from a pixel map for Rom Type A00 (7-pixel high letters, bottom row empty)


Creates the given letter from a pixel map for Rom Type A02 (7 or 8 Pixel high letters, bottom row filled)

SpecialLettersForCulture(CultureInfo, Dictionary<Char,Byte>)

Returns the set of special characters required for a given culture/language. This may include diacritics (ä, ö, ø), currency signs (€) or similar chars. If any of the returned characters are not found in the ROM map, CreateLetter(Char, String) is called to obtain the pixel representation of the given character. A maximum of 8 extra characters can be added to the ones in the ROM.

Applies to