BrowserRequestCache Enum


The cache mode of the request. It controls how the request will interact with the browser's HTTP cache. See

public enum class BrowserRequestCache
public enum BrowserRequestCache
type BrowserRequestCache = 
Public Enum BrowserRequestCache


Default 0

The browser looks for a matching request in its HTTP cache.

ForceCache 4

The browser looks for a matching request in its HTTP cache.

If there is a match, fresh or stale, it will be returned from the cache.

If there is no match, the browser will make a normal request, and will update the cache with the downloaded resource.

NoCache 3

The browser looks for a matching request in its HTTP cache.

If there is a match, fresh or stale, the browser will make a conditional request to the remote server. If the server indicates that the resource has not changed, it will be returned from the cache. Otherwise the resource will be downloaded from the server and the cache will be updated.

If there is no match, the browser will make a normal request, and will update the cache with the downloaded resource.

NoStore 1

The browser fetches the resource from the remote server without first looking in the cache, and will not update the cache with the downloaded resource.

OnlyIfCached 5

The browser looks for a matching request in its HTTP cache. Mode can only be used if the request's mode is "same-origin"

If there is a match, fresh or stale, it will be returned from the cache.

If there is no match, the browser will respond with a 504 Gateway timeout status.

Reload 2

The browser fetches the resource from the remote server without first looking in the cache, but then will update the cache with the downloaded resource.

Applies to