Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Spatial Namespace



Represents a coordinate range for geometries in the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Represents Coordinate Reference System in the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Base class for spatial geometry objects in the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Operations supported on Geometry type in the Azure Cosmos DB service. These operations are to be used in LINQ expressions only and will be evaluated on server. There's no implementation provided in the client library.


Not frequently used geometry parameters in the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Return value of IsValidDetailed(Geometry) in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

Contains detailed description why a geometyr is invalid.


A LinearRing is closed LineString with 4 or more positions. The first and last positions are equivalent (they represent equivalent points). Though a LinearRing is not explicitly represented as a GeoJSON geometry type, it is referred to in the Polygon geometry type definition in the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Represents a geometry consisting of connected line segments.


Coordinate Reference System which is identified by link in the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Coordinate Reference System which is identified by name in the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Point geometry class in the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Polygon geometry class in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

A polygon is represented by the set of "polygon rings". Each ring is closed line string. First ring defines external ring. All subsequent rings define "holes" in the external ring.

Rings must be specified using Left Hand Rule: traversing the ring in the order of its points, should result in internal area of the polygon being to the left side.


A position is represented by an array of numbers in the Azure Cosmos DB service. There must be at least two elements, and may be more.

The order of elements must follow longitude, latitude, altitude. Any number of additional elements are allowed - interpretation and meaning of additional elements is up to the application.



Type of Coordinate Reference System in the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Geometry type in the Azure Cosmos DB service.