CodeStyleOption<T> Class


Represents a code style option and an associated notification option. Supports being instantiated with T as a Boolean or an enum type.

CodeStyleOption also has some basic support for migration a Boolean option forward to an enum type option. Specifically, if a previously serialized bool-CodeStyleOption is then deserialized into an enum-CodeStyleOption then 'false' values will be migrated to have the 0-value of the enum, and 'true' values will be migrated to have the 1-value of the enum.

Similarly, enum-type code options will serialize out in a way that is compatible with hosts that expect the value to be a boolean. Specifically, if the enum value is 0 or 1 then those values will write back as false/true.

generic <typename T>
public ref class CodeStyleOption : IEquatable<Microsoft::CodeAnalysis::CodeStyle::CodeStyleOption<T> ^>
public class CodeStyleOption<T> : IEquatable<Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption<T>>
public sealed class CodeStyleOption<T> : IEquatable<Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption<T>>
type CodeStyleOption<'T> = class
    interface IEquatable<CodeStyleOption<'T>>
Public Class CodeStyleOption(Of T)
Implements IEquatable(Of CodeStyleOption(Of T))
Public NotInheritable Class CodeStyleOption(Of T)
Implements IEquatable(Of CodeStyleOption(Of T))

Type Parameters



CodeStyleOption<T>(T, NotificationOption) Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption2`1


Default Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption2`1
Notification Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption2`1
Value Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption2`1


Equals(CodeStyleOption<T>) Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption2`1
Equals(Object) Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption2`1
FromXElement(XElement) Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption2`1
GetHashCode() Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption2`1
ToXElement() Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.CodeStyleOption2`1

Applies to