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AspireRabbitMQExtensions Class


Extension methods for connecting to a RabbitMQ message broker.

public static class AspireRabbitMQExtensions
type AspireRabbitMQExtensions = class
Public Module AspireRabbitMQExtensions


AddKeyedRabbitMQClient(IHostApplicationBuilder, String, Action<RabbitMQClientSettings>, Action<ConnectionFactory>)

Registers RabbitMQ.Client.IConnection as a keyed singleton for the given name in the services provided by the builder. Enables retries, corresponding health check, logging, and telemetry.

AddRabbitMQClient(IHostApplicationBuilder, String, Action<RabbitMQClientSettings>, Action<ConnectionFactory>)

Registers RabbitMQ.Client.IConnection as a singleton in the services provided by the builder. Enables retries, corresponding health check, logging, and telemetry.

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