IProgressChannel.SetHeader Method


Set up the reporting structure:

  • Set the 'header' of the progress reports, defining which progress units and metrics are going to be reported.
  • Provide a thread-safe delegate to be invoked whenever anyone needs to know the progress.

It is acceptable to call SetHeader(ProgressHeader, Action<IProgressEntry>) multiple times (or none), regardless of whether the calculation is running or not. Because of synchronization, the computation should not deny calls to the 'old' fillAction delegates even after a new one is provided.

public void SetHeader (Microsoft.ML.Runtime.ProgressHeader header, Action<Microsoft.ML.Runtime.IProgressEntry> fillAction);
abstract member SetHeader : Microsoft.ML.Runtime.ProgressHeader * Action<Microsoft.ML.Runtime.IProgressEntry> -> unit
Public Sub SetHeader (header As ProgressHeader, fillAction As Action(Of IProgressEntry))



The header object.


The delegate to provide actual progress. The IProgressEntry parameter of the delegate will correspond to the provided header.

Applies to