IProposalSource Interface



Interface has not been finalized and may change without warning.

A source of proposals about the about the text that might follow the caret in the view. This is created by the IProposalSourceProvider MEF export and is an extension point that 3rd parties can provide.

[System.Obsolete("Interface has not been finalized and may change without warning.")]
public interface IProposalSource : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading.IAsyncDisposable
[<System.Obsolete("Interface has not been finalized and may change without warning.")>]
type IProposalSource = interface
    interface IAsyncDisposable
Public Interface IProposalSource
Implements IAsyncDisposable



Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously.

(Inherited from IAsyncDisposable)
RequestProposalsAsync(VirtualSnapshotPoint, CompletionState, ProposalScenario, Char, CancellationToken)

Returns an IProposalCollection with any proposals for what might follow the caret given the specified completionState, scenario and triggeringCharacter.

Applies to