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JsonRpc.TraceEvents Enum


Event IDs raised to our TraceSource.

public enum JsonRpc.TraceEvents
type JsonRpc.TraceEvents = 
Public Enum JsonRpc.TraceEvents


Closed 13

Occurs when the connection is closed.

ExceptionNotDeserializable 21

An Exception-derived type could not be deserialized because it was missing a deserializing constructor. A base-type that does offer the constructor will be instantiated instead.

ExceptionNotSerializable 20

An instance of an Exception-derived type was serialized as its base type because it did not have the SerializableAttribute applied.

ExceptionTypeNotFound 19

An incoming Exception cannot be deserialized to its original type because the type could not be loaded.

ListeningStarted 3

Occurs when this instance starts listening for incoming RPC messages.

LocalContractViolation 15

An extensibility point was leveraged locally and broke the contract.

LocalEventListenerAdded 2

Occurs when an event handler subscribes to an event on an added target object.

LocalInvocation 9

Occurs when a JsonRpcRequest is received and successfully mapped to a local method to be invoked.

LocalInvocationError 10

Occurs when a locally invoked method from a JsonRpcRequest throws an exception (or returns a faulted Task). TraceData(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, Object[]) is invoked with the thrown Exception, request method name, request ID, and the argument object/array. TraceEvent(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, String, Object[]) is invoked with a text message formatted with exception information.

LocalMethodAdded 0

Occurs when a local RPC method is added to our mapping table.

LocalMethodNotAdded 1

Occurs when a candidate local RPC method is NOT added to our mapping table.

MessageReceived 7

Occurs when any JsonRpcMessage is received. At Info, TraceData(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, Object) is invoked with the JsonRpcMessage that is received. At Verbose, TraceEvent(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, String, Object[]) is invoked with the JSON representation of the message.

MessageSent 8

Occurs when any JsonRpcMessage is transmitted. At Info, TraceData(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, Object) is invoked with the JsonRpcMessage that is transmitted. At Verbose, TraceEvent(TraceEventCache, String, TraceEventType, Int32, String, Object[]) is invoked with the JSON representation of the message.

MethodArgumentDeserializationFailure 17

An incoming RPC call included an argument that failed to deserialize to the type on a candidate target method's proposed matching parameter.

ProgressNotificationError 16

An exception occurred when reading or writing the $/progress notification.

ReceivedCancellation 4

Occurs when a notification arrives that is attempting to cancel a prior request.

ReceivedError 12

Occurs when an error message for a prior invocation is received.

ReceivedResult 11

Occurs when a successful result message for a prior invocation is received.

RequestAbandonedByRemote 14

A local request is canceled because the remote party terminated the connection.

RequestReceived 6

Occurs when a JsonRpcRequest is received.

RequestWithoutMatchingTarget 5

Occurs when a JSON-RPC request or notification was received, but no local method is found to invoke for it.

TransmissionFailed 18

An outgoing RPC message was not sent due to an exception, possibly a serialization failure.

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